The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1776 Hongli Patriarch

Chapter 1776 Hongli Patriarch
But the most shocking thing is that when this woman appeared, the entire canyon was shrouded in a very scorching fire.

Even though, there was no flame burning in the air, only the woman in red and the red smoke spreading around.

But that kind of unbearable fire made everyone feel as if they were in an endless sea of ​​fire, surrounded by invisible fire, and they were firmly trapped in it, even if they gasped, it was difficult.

At the periphery, those servants who did odd jobs for the Wu family were instantly burned to ashes. The reason was that these people were ordinary people without cultivation, so they suffered the fastest damage.

There were just a few miserable screams, and then it was gone.

It was the clothes of all the soldiers that Quan Jiayun brought, all of them were burnt to black when the woman showed up, and there was no piece of clothing to cover them, even the tough flesh turned black with a meaty smell.

You know, their lowest level is the second-level and ninth-level peak cultivation base, and more is the third-level cultivation base. There are no weak people at all, and their bodies can withstand steel knives.

But once the scorching fire appeared, they couldn't bear it even for a second or two.

So hot.

So hot.

Hotter than ever.

They were sweating profusely to stimulate the animal blood to resist.

Li Lin is well, because he has the aura shield, the water defense magic weapon, and his clothes have not been burned, but he will be very happy this time. Although he wants to insist on breaking the formation, he still needs the help of others to break the formation.

But the other people didn't have time to worry about it at all, so the big formation that was about to be broken in only a dozen seconds was spared because of this woman who appeared suddenly.

The ground, the enchantment, and the houses inside all stopped shaking after breaking the formation.

Inside the formation barrier, because of the isolation of a layer of barrier, compared to the feeling of purgatory when the outsiders appeared when the woman appeared, the feeling of the Wu family at this moment was much better.

However, they can still feel the scorching heat that makes people feel horrible.

Wu Anfu looked at the woman in the air with admiration and surprise in his eyes.

He knew that there was something in this bead that could protect the family, and it was also the basis for him to dare to challenge Jiang Shanxue.

But he didn't know what it was. When it was passed down from generation to generation, it only said that it was the treasure of the clan left by the ancestor Hongli when he left.

He didn't expect that what existed inside turned out to be the remnant avatar left by Patriarch Hongli.

Even if it's a cannibal avatar.

He also knew that this ancestor was a person with great supernatural powers who could reach the stage of transforming gods thousands of years ago! ! ! !That was the scene where countless monks wanted to go in after their heads fell.

Wu Anfu's face was full of excitement, and he took the lead in kneeling down, kneeling so simply.

"Wu Anfu, the eighth-generation great elder of the Wu family, joined the Hongli Patriarch."

All the Wu family members present also recognized that the woman in the sky was the first generation ancestor who was enshrined in the ancestral hall by them, that is, the ancestor who founded the Wu family.

"The grandson (daughter) pays respects to Patriarch Hongli."

In ecstasy and fanaticism, they knelt down together with Wu Anfu.

as worshiping their gods.

And this woman is clearly their last protector.

The woman in the air opened her eyes. She glanced at the kneeling descendants inside the barrier, but she didn't say anything. She turned her eyes and glanced at the people outside.

When it came to Quan Jiayun, she lingered on his face for a few seconds, but finally her eyes stayed on Long Xiao next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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