The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1787 Very Good, Very Interesting

Chapter 1787 Very Good, Very Interesting
Quan Jiayun was not surprised at all when she saw the people kneeling together, she believed that there are people in this world who would rather give up than surrender, and not fear death, but most people know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages in order to survive.

No one wants to die when they are at their best.

So surrendering became the best option.

She would not look down on such a person, because if it was her, she would choose to survive first instead of trying to die bravely.

I just don't know what these people think?With a playful smile on the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth, he looked at Wu Anfu and Wu Yinyao who hadn't knelt down, and read calmly: "Ten, nine..."

Accompanied by Quan Jiayun's voice, a few more people knelt down, and there were less than ten people left on the field.

When Quan Jiayun counted to three, Wu Yinyao knelt down with red eyes and gritted her teeth. When the count reached one, Wu Anfu, the only one who was still standing, glanced at the clansman who was watching him secretly, closed his eyes, and knelt down too.

At this point, nearly a thousand members of the Wu family knelt down.

Among them, some children were unwilling to kneel, but they were forced to kneel by adults.

Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun let out a sigh.

I thought there would be a few backbones, but none of them turned out.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the different faces, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Very good, very clever, now pour out the contents of all of you's storage bags."

Human lives are saved for them, but Quan Jiayun will not be soft on the spoils that should be seized.

When the Wu family heard this order, they were extremely reluctant in their hearts. The storage bags contained everyone's savings for many years. Who would hand it over? Obediently fell down.

All kinds of monster materials and magic weapons fell on the ground.

In particular, the storage bags of several Jindan elders are more abundant, which makes the eyes of all soldiers brighten up, there are many treasures they have never seen before.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't seem to have any feelings about so many treasures, but told the people below: "One of you chooses the same."

Now that he has made up his mind to run Huadong well, Quan Jiayun will not be stingy with his subordinates. She eats meat, so they have to eat soup, otherwise, how can others be willing to serve her loyally.

With Quan Jiayun's permission, these people happily chose.

And Quan Jiayun walked in front of Wu Anfu.

Wu Anfu knelt there, not looking at Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun looked at him, then looked at Wu Yunhe next to him, Wu Yunqi and others said indifferently: "Take it all out, don't play tricks in front of me."

Be careful, if you have two storage bags to hide a person who doesn't take it out, or when you are pouring, you deliberately use your spiritual consciousness to control one or two important treasures so that they don't fall out, you will feel a little bit in your heart at this time. Jump.

Quan Jiayun looked at the silent waiter, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm not very patient, take out everything within ten seconds, don't blame me if you don't take it out. "

As soon as Quan Jiayun said these words, many treasures were poured out one after another.

Ten seconds later, Quan Jiayun's eyes stayed on Wu Anfu's face, Wu Anfu looked at Jiang Shanxue, and said with embarrassment and grief on his face: "No more, I have already taken it all out, and you still watch me do it. What."

When Quan Jiayun picked up the sword, the girdle that Wu Anfu was wearing fell off.

(End of this chapter)

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