The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1790 How Can He Die

Chapter 1790 How Can He Die
Si Chengtian didn't speak, nor did he open his eyes.

Quan Jiayun knew that he probably wouldn't hear it during enlightenment, but she just wanted to say it.

She had to admit that she was a little anxious about the fact that Si Chengtian hadn't woken up for a long time and his breath had even started to weaken these days, because she absolutely didn't want Si Chengtian to have something to do now.

She just started with him.

How could he die!

Of course, if something happened to Si Chengtian, as she herself said, she might feel uncomfortable for a few days, but this would never bring her down. A dead person is not enough for her to remember for a long time.

People always have to look forward, especially for a person like her who only wants to become a fairy, the proportion of emotion in her heart is too low.

Quan Jiayun admits that he is a particularly cold-blooded person in one aspect.

To become a fairy is her obsession.

Other than that, everything is fine.

But now, she really didn't want Si Chengtian to have anything to do.

In this slightly depressed mood, Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian's face, and almost wanted to use his spiritual sense to probe into Si Chengtian's sea of ​​consciousness, to see where his mind was and what scene he was in. In order to not wake up for a long time.

But this impulse was just a momentary thought, Quan Jiayun restrained it, and did not do it after all.

Because enlightenment itself is a very dangerous thing.

The so-called hearers live and die day and night.

It can also be said that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening!
Understanding the Dao is a kind of understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. How can such a thing be achieved easily, especially when entering into the enlightenment of others, it is even more difficult.

Just like the last time she realized the way of time, if she is not careful, she will die. This is definitely not a joke.

It doesn't matter if she is cold-blooded or ruthless.

After all, Quan Jiayun was unwilling to take this risk for Si Chengtian.

She hasn't done this to Si Chengtian yet.

Quan Jiayun stared at Si Chengtian's thin face for several minutes, finally pursed his lips, and left the small world.

At this time, Si Chengtian was indeed in a dangerous situation.

The picture he looked at was a picture of a battlefield with a few strokes.

At the beginning, when Si Chengtian looked at it, he only felt that the painting was full of killing, and the killing atmosphere attracted him. Before he knew it, Si Chengtian seemed to have walked into that endless battlefield by himself.

On the battlefield, he didn't see a living person, only endless corpses, and these corpses were of various kinds. The endless death breath brought about after the killing brought the meaning of extinction to destroy everything.

Under the intent of death and extinction, it seems that all living things should not exist.

The whole region repelled him, drove him away.

Si Chengtian didn't want to return without success, so he stood up, held on, and moved on.

As a result of this, Si Chengtian's aura was gradually assimilated in this extinct place, but during the assimilation process, Si Chengtian became more enlightened. He knew that if he really wanted to be enlightened, he had to completely blend in.

So, knowing the danger, Si Chengtian chose this path resolutely.

When Si Chengtian let go of his heart and merged into it, gradually, Si Chengtian forgot his purpose, his name, and even forgot Quan Jiayun. The land of death marches...

In the next few days, even though Quan Jiayun entered the small world to practice, she never came to the Immortal Palace to see Si Chengtian, nor did she allow Quan Xuesong and others to come.

The reason why he didn't go in was because of Quan Jiayun's impulsiveness that day, Quan Jiayun didn't want to do stupid things in his impulsiveness.

In her opinion, it is foolish to do what you know you can't do.

And she has always been a smart person, and a smart person shouldn't be so stupid.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun refused to go in, but just watched him from a distance, expecting him to come out by himself like an unrivaled hero.


Ten days passed, Quan Jiayun did not wait for Si Chengtian to come out.

One month passed, Quan Jiayun still hadn't waited for Si Chengtian to come out from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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