The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1793 Don't You Remember Me?

Chapter 1793 Don't You Remember Me?
Now, Chu Xingqi looked at Jiang Shanxue in a somewhat blurred field of vision, feeling a little apprehensive and expectant, would he care about her safety?Will he save her?Does he remember her?

In Chu Xingqi's chaotic mood, Quan Jiayun only took one look at this woman.

She raised her eyelids and looked at Zheng Hong, drawing a sarcastic smile, laughing at his innocence.

Using hostages to stop her in front of her?

Quan Jiayun stomped his footsteps, his body disappeared, and appeared directly behind Zheng Hong in the next moment. The Xinghe sword passed straight through his heart, and the tip of the sword just reached Chu Xingqi's back, and did not hurt her.

With a slap, Zheng Hong, who was killed in an instant, collapsed to the ground when Quan Jiayun drew his sword, and there was no time for him to attack Chu Xingqi.

Chu Xingqi, who was able to breathe freely through her throat, almost fell to the ground after being in shock. Fortunately, Quan Jiayun saved her from falling to the ground.

Smelling the refreshing and pleasant smell of Jiang Shanxue's body, and feeling the strong hands around her waist, Chu Xingqi's heart jumped.

Is this his taste?
Before Chu Xingqi got closer to Quan Jiayun's side.

Quan Jiayun's voice sounded.

"Stand still."

Under the two words of indifference, Quan Jiayun loosened the girl's waist.

Chu Xingqi raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Shanxue's handsome face, and couldn't help but look at Zheng Hong on the ground, and saw Zheng Hong's eyes were dead wide open, and he didn't even close his eyes.

Chu Xingqi took a breath, looked back and was about to say thank you.

I saw Jiang Shan's blood passing by.

Seeing Jiang Shanxue's handsome and indifferent profile, without thinking, Chu Xingqi turned to stop him.


Chu Xingqi originally wanted to call Jiang Shanxue directly, but thinking about his recent incidents, it was Commander Jiang who finally called him out.

Quan Jiayun looked sideways at this pretty girl.

Chu Xingqi looked at the strange light in his eyes, bit her lips, and said with a bit of grievance in her heart: "Don't you remember me? We met at the Ruyi meeting, and you still..."

At that time, Jiang Shanxue had teased her, saying that he wanted her to take the initiative to kiss her.

That was the first time she had been molested like that.

After going back, I kept thinking about this arrogant and rude person.

Later, she always remembered this person, and silently thought about seeing him again, thinking that he was quite interesting.

But people didn't see it, but Jiang Shanxue's reputation became more and more famous. Every time she heard the amazing deeds of the other party, she was surprised and felt that the other party was too rude and yearning.

In such a mood, Chu Xingqi paid more and more attention to him.

I also like it more and more.

She liked it so much that she began to suspect that seeing him that time was like a dream.

He had become a dream she could not have dreamed of.

This time, I knew he was back in the Southwest.

Although she also wanted to see him, she never saw him. Instead, she met this man whom she had remembered for a long time today by accident.

As a result, in the mind of such a young girl, Chu Xingqi found that the other party didn't remember her at all, and Chu Xingqi felt so sad, so a spoiled young lady would feel aggrieved and coquettish.

Seeing her appearance, Quan Jiayun heard the key word Ruyihui branch, and then remembered such a girl, who seemed to be surnamed Chu or something.

However, apart from killing, Quan Jiayun didn't have the slightest intention of molesting the beauty.

"There's no time to reminisce."

Quan Jiayun coldly dropped four words, no matter what the girl's expression would be, and ordered to the people below: "Hang his body up for a day, to warn future generations, don't make trouble for me inside, otherwise What happens to him is what happens to everyone else."

(End of this chapter)

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