The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1800 Self-Created Demon Sealing Technique

Chapter 1800 Self-Created Demon Sealing Technique
After Quan Jiayun's realm stabilized, he tested the specific range of spiritual consciousness growth, and then opened his eyes.

Quan Jiayun, who had just opened her eyes, looked ruthless and lustless, but soon, as soon as she rolled her eyes, a lively aura burst out.

She looked at the huge blood cocoon in the blood pool, stared at it for two or three seconds, then got up and went to a corner of the hall to feed the Taotie, planning to take the final step of sealing the Taotie.

After several months, Taotie is now as big as a three-year-old child.

There is still no cute hair growing on its body, there is only a little more fluff on the shiny skin, and it still looks so ugly and cute.

When it saw Quan Jiayun approaching, it was still extremely fierce and wanted to pounce.

Quan Jiayun didn't directly stuff her fingers into its mouth full of teeth as before, because now its mouth is enough to eat her fingers.

Quan Jiayun cut his wrist and took a bowl of blood, and put it inside.

Taotie, who is gluttonous by nature, doesn't care about whether it is poisonous or not. With a few bangs, Taotie swallowed Quan Jiayun's blood.

Using her own blood as a guide, Quan Jiayun arouses her blood in Taotie's body, and draws her last three strokes in the past few months with blood in Taotie's body.

"seal up."

As the word Quan Jiayun came out of his mouth, Taotie's skin was flashed with chains composed of countless red runes. With the flashing of these red runes, Taotie's body trembled violently, as if he had suffered great pain.

An angry howl came from its mouth.

It seems that it also understands that it has been imprisoned by something since then, and this imprisonment can easily kill it, so it roared angrily unwillingly, wanting to break free.

Quan Jiayun looked at David's struggle, and his eyes were shining with strange and expectant light, wondering if it could break free.

Because what Quan Jiayun did to Taotie was a method that she came up with on her own, and it was not an ordinary contracted monster.

She knew that the spells of ordinary contracted monsters couldn't trap a beast like Taotie, as long as it grew stronger, it could easily break the effectiveness of such a contract.

So after a few days of thinking, she thought, is there any way to restrain the Taotie after it becomes stronger.

After much deliberation, Quan Jiayun thought of the Rune Formation, using her blood as the Rune Formation to engrave into its flesh and blood, fuse with its flesh and blood without distinguishing each other, and then grow as its flesh and blood grow.

Then, no matter how powerful Taotie becomes, it can't stop earning these.

Quan Jiayun thought so, so she did it. She herself is the best at formations and runes, so relying on what she knew, she found all kinds of ancient and new prohibition runes to form a ban array.

If successful.

Quan Jiayun took care of this method and called it the Dafa of Sealing Demons.

This is much easier to use than a one-sentence monster contract.

In Quan Jiayun's expectant eyes, Taotie's anger and struggle did not break a thread, a rune, everything is in vain.

After 1 minute, those red runes slowly dimmed, not floating on the surface of Taotie's body, as if they had disappeared. Of course, in fact, they did not disappear, but just lurked.

Taotie stopped screaming now, but it obviously still remembered the pain just now, its pair of vertical red pupils stared fiercely at Quan Jiayun, as if it wanted to eat her flesh and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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