The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1806 Show it to you

Chapter 1806 Show it to you

This gravitational force is not insufficient. Obviously, after Si Chengtian has made progress this time, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy has also become much faster.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't look at it for a while, and noticed that Si Chengtian, who had woken up, quickly opened his eyes after completing his cycle.

He looked at her and said, "Wake up."

Quan Jiayun snorted.

Si Chengtian then asked: "What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

Although Quan Jiayun felt that it was very good for a man to cook for herself, she would not force herself to do so, because his craftsmanship was not that superb.

Occasionally, it's enough to eat what you want. Of course, you want to eat food made by others, and it's not that you can't afford it.

Quan Jiayun said: "Go out and eat."


Si Chengtian naturally had no objection.

However, Quan Jiayun was not in a hurry to go out to eat in the small world right away, she did not hide the curiosity in her eyes, stared at Si Chengtian, and asked the question she wanted to know the most after Si Chengtian woke up.

"What have you realized in the past six months?"

Si Chengtian didn't answer her directly, but said, "I'll show you."

Quan Jiayun said: "Okay."

At that moment, Si Chengtian got up and stood up, swept outside the Immortal Palace and said, "Which place can I dispose of at will."

Quan Jiayun didn't care about this, and said casually: "Except for the Immortal Palace, any place here is fine."

All she cared about was what he realized.

Si Chengtian stood still in a grassy place.

In the next second, Si Chengtian's aura changed, and as his aura changed, a sense of extinction began to rise within a radius of ten meters around him.

Under this death intention, the green vegetation that was originally covered with a layer of snowflakes began to wither in an instant, but within a short time, there was no longer any vitality.

Then, there was no living breath in this area. .

Quan Jiayun looked at this scene, his eyes moved slightly.

It turned out to be the meaning of extinction, that is, the meaning of death.

Immediately, Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian with a different gaze. She knew that Si Chengtian must have realized something unusual after so long, but she didn't expect it to be death.

Dead business! !It turned out to be a deadly business!

This business can be said to be as good as her comprehension of the Way of Time.

Because the way of life and death and the way of time, among the three thousand avenues, are the top-ranked avenues, and they are the way to go further.

Quan Jiayun stared at Si Chengtian with burning eyes and said, "There should be something else."

To realize the meaning of death is bound to realize life.

Because the way of life and death is the same as the way of yin and yang, it is a relationship of opposites and cycles. If he only understands the way of birth, it is fine, he does not need to realize the intention of death, and he can survive.

But it is absolutely impossible to just realize the intention of death, because then he will definitely not be able to survive.

To understand death, one must understand life in order to live.

Si Chengtian nodded and stretched out his left arm.

In the next second, Si Chengtian's left arm exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood, which splashed all around.

Looking at this scene, Quan Jiayun already guessed what the next scene would be.

Sure enough, very quickly, the blood mist gathered back together to form a blood shadow hand, and this blood shadow hand soon transformed back into a living arm.

This method of rapid limb growth is something that no matter how good the medicine is, no matter how good a therapist can be, that is to say, as long as Si Chengtian still has a drop of blood, he can reunite his body infinitely.

And that's a scary thing.

If he was her enemy, it was a pretty tough one.

Quan Jiayun's throat tightened, and he stared at Si Chengtian, as if looking at a lover who made her proud, but also like looking at a competitor who could arouse her fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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