Chapter 1822

Listening to the loud voice, Quan Jiayun looked at the young and excited faces, and felt a little bit emotional in her heart. The admiration and awe in the eyes of these students reminded her of herself a long time ago.

She also had such an immature period, and she was not born strong.

When she first joined the sect, facing the senior elders and suzerains of the sect, she felt the same way. She was in awe, awe, and excitement. She still remembers the feeling of being frightened for the first time until her legs went limp. new.

Because when she entered that world for the first time, her world view was shattered and reshaped.

Every moment is being refreshed his own worldview.

Not to mention looking at the great elders above the Golden Core level, but looking at those foundation-building monks who can fly in the sky, she didn't know how envious she was.

She always dreams about when she will be like them, able to fly with a sword.

These students today are just like her at that time.

However, her position is reversed. She is no longer the child who feared others and followed the rules set by others. She is now the one who sets the rules.

And that's the power that comes with being strong.

With a vigorous smile, Quan Jiayun said, "The first term of Cangyun Academy starts here today, so I will simply say a few words to you here."

"First of all, congratulations on being able to become a member of Cangyun Academy with your own abilities. This is something that you can be proud of, because you have stepped into the first door to success, and that is opportunity."

"I don't need to say how important an opportunity is on the road of life. Now, I've given you the opportunity. Everyone of you who entered Cangyun College starts on an equal footing. Whether or not you can seize this opportunity to take off as Jackie Chan is entirely up to you." Own."

"You just need to keep in mind that once you enter Cangyun Academy, you are a part of Cangyun Academy, and you must shoulder the responsibility of making Cangyun Academy more glorious in the future, instead of discrediting Cangyun Academy. "

"Yes, those who violate the school rules I set will be severely punished to leave, and those who are serious will be killed on the spot."

When Quan Jiayun said these words, he didn't release half a murderous aura, but this sentence of killing on the spot was enough to make all the students' hearts tremble.

The timid ones were weak on the spot, because everyone has seen Commander Jiang's methods.

Of those people who fled from the East China base because of the panic Cangxuan, none of them could come back. If they were trespassers, they would be killed, and there was no room for bargaining.

Quan Jiayun looked at the group of fearful students below, with a faint smile on his lips, he said, "Fear? Afraid? Dissatisfied? No matter what mood you are in now, this is the life and death that I have who can make rules Right, under my protection, you can only accept my rules of the game, and you cannot violate half of them."

Having said that, Quan Jiayun changed his voice, looked down with burning eyes and said: "But I also hope that one day, there will be a strong person among you who can make rules for yourself!!"

"And this is the meaning of my establishment of Cangyun Academy. Can you do it?"

Quan Jiayun standing on the stage is like a scorching sun, impacting people's eyes and hearts.

There is nothing more provocative than these words. The students who were still shocked just now, heard these words and their blood boiled.

All of them forgot their timidity at this moment, they fanatically looked at the handsome man on the stage, and said hysterically: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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