The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1825 Zhanhu's Feelings

Chapter 1825 Zhanhu's Feelings

Quan Jiayun didn't say this to comfort Wen Su, it was indeed Quan Jiayun who saw that this Zhanhu obviously had feelings for Wen Su.

After that, Quan Jiayun didn't pay attention to these trivial matters.

Later, Zhan Hu asked her for a vacation in a nervous manner.

It was only later that she realized that something had happened to Wen Su.

After that time, she originally thought that the two of them were together now, but today she suddenly remembered this matter, and she just asked casually, and the answer she got was that these two people were still dragging their feet, and they were also drunk.

Quan Jiayun felt that if she didn't say a few more words, the two of them would have to wait for a long time.

Quan Jiayun leaned back on the back of the chair, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhan Hu and said, "Don't put your dead brother in front of you, abandon your brother, let me ask you, do you like it?" If you don't like Wen Su, answer honestly with your heart, don't try to fool me, or I'll just search for the soul."

Facing Quan Jiayun's questioning, Zhan Hu's whole body tensed up.

Does he like Wen Su?
Thinking of Wen Su's journey with him, thinking of her voice and smile, thinking of how Wen Su cared for him, Zhan Hu's hand hanging by his sleeve clenched tightly, tightly The veins popped one by one.

However, Zhan Hu didn't answer immediately.

This man who always answered in seconds in front of Quan Jiayun froze at this moment, as if he had encountered some huge problem.

As if once he said it, he would be sorry for his brother.

Seeing Zhan Hu like this, just when Quan Jiayun frowned and wanted to curse, Zhan Hu seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, and finally rang out in the room with a slightly trembling voice.

He whispered: "I like it, how can I not like it!"

How can he not like such a woman who has been by his side and treats him with all her heart? He is not a rock, he has a heart.

When Quan Jiayun heard Zhan Hu's honest answer, his frown finally relaxed. He still had a bit of a man's backbone, otherwise she really wanted to beat him up.

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes, and said: "Since you like it, it's fine, your brother is dead, why, you want Wen Su to give your brother a widow, guarding the chastity archway for a lifetime, so that you can be considered worthy of your brother? "

Zhan Hu was bombarded by these words, his hands and feet were a little numb.

Because this hat is a bit high for Zhanhu.

Zhan Hu shook his head eagerly and said: "No, that's not the case. I never thought of letting her be my brother's widow. I also hope that she can find a good man, but this man should not be me."

Quan Jiayun knows that some men have a deep brotherly relationship, and some completely surpass the ordinary family relationship, but Quan Jiayun only thinks Zhan Hu's logic is very funny.

She tapped her fingers on the armrest, looked at Zhan Hu with a funny face, and said, "Why can't it be you? You married Wen Su, and married Wen Su with another man. What difference does it make to your dead brother?" , anyway, she has become someone else's woman."

Zhan Hu gritted his teeth, and after a lot of mental struggle, he finally revealed his thoughts.

"Commander, you don't know how deep my relationship with my brother is."

"We are good brothers who grew up together. We have always been in the same school from elementary school to high school. Later, after the end of the world, we separated for three or four years for some reason. When we met again, he had a girlfriend by his side."

(End of this chapter)

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