Chapter 1827 I Want
These words were like a sharp arrow shooting straight at Zhan Hu's chest, Zhan Hu opened his eyes wide.

He has been torturing her in the name of doing her best?

Thinking of Wen Su's occasionally sad and painful expressions, Zhan Hu couldn't refute this sentence, he was indeed torturing her, Zhan Hu gritted his teeth, and shook his body with a pale face.

Seeing him like this, Quan Huangyun didn't let go of his tone, but asked more bluntly and domineeringly: "Okay, don't say so much, if you don't want this person? Just a word."

"If not, I decide to send her to the southwest and find an outstanding man for her. From now on, you can just wear the chastity archway for your brother alone."

Zhan Hu was shocked when he heard these words, he suddenly raised his head, his red pupils stared straight at Quan Jiayun, as if struck by lightning.

send away! !
After following Quan Jiayun for so long, Zhan Hu knew that if she intervened, there would be no other room.

Then Wen Su really has nothing to do with him in the future, and may really marry another man soon.

Thinking of this result, Zhan Hu couldn't help clenching his fists.

Wen Su married another man and lived happily. This was the result Zhan Hu had always wanted, so that he would not have to bear the huge psychological burden of betraying his brother.

But when Quan Jiayun really threw this result to him.

Only then did he realize that he couldn't accept the result at all.

He couldn't imagine how Wen Su greeted other men, nor could he imagine those loving eyes looking at other men. Before, he thought he was persuading her to find someone, just because he knew she loved him and would not give up on him. .

The commander was right.

He is sorry for her.

to this moment.

Zhan Hu finally admits that Wen Su has long been indispensable in his life.

After trying to understand this point, all the knots in Zhan Hu's heart suddenly opened up. Since he was doomed to be sorry for one person, he could only be sorry that there was no one left.

He couldn't continue to feel sorry for the living.

Brother, I'm sorry.

But I will take good care of her and give her happiness.

Zhan Hu said this to his brother in his heart, and then, with his mind set, he looked at Quan Jiayun firmly and said: "I want, I want Wen Su, don't send her away."

When the voice that had been suppressed for a long time was spoken, Zhan Hu realized that it was not that difficult to say these words.

Like a boulder falling to the ground, Zhan Hu's heart became clearer.

Now he is so desperate to see Wen Su and tell her that he loves her too.

Quan Jiayun was satisfied when he heard these two words.

Fortunately, Zhan Hu is not completely a wooden fish lump.

If he still insists on scolding him and talking about him like this, she doesn't mind breaking up a couple of lovers who might have feelings, because that kind of Zhanhu is not good enough for Wen Su.

For those who are also women, Quan Jiayun has always wanted to be more protective.

Quan Jiayun snorted and said, "That's it. People should be honest and kind to themselves in life. Don't do things that hurt others or yourself. Go quickly. She has been waiting for your answer for too long."


Zhan Hu rushed outside eagerly, dodged to the door, he remembered something, looked back at Quan Jiayun, bowed deeply to Quan Jiayun and said: "Thank you, Commander, for waking me up."

Otherwise, he doesn't know how long he will have to dig into the horns.

Perhaps, at that time, Wen Su might really be about to give up on him.

(End of this chapter)

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