The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1835 Andre the Great

Chapter 1835 Andre the Great

The reason is that all the trees on the isolated island have been destroyed, and except for some weeds, the entire island is full of bare rocks. Under such an environment, people are quite conspicuous among them.

Especially where Quan Jiayun is located is a rocky cliff with high rocks on an isolated island. The cruiser coming from a distance noticed the two shadows at the first sight
After picking up the binoculars and confirming that it was really a human being and not some monster, he immediately reported to the officer.

"Sir, there are people on the isolated island ahead, and they look Asian."

This information caused all the soldiers on the cruiser to look sideways in surprise.

Everyone knows how dangerous the sea is today.

Ordinary martial artists only dared to look for resources near the sea, and did not dare to go deep at all, so they dared to lead people deep into the sea with this strength to find more resources.

Today, in this sea area very far from the coast, there are actually two living human beings of Asian descent.

This situation is a bit weird no matter what, and some are worth exploring.

Such as how they are here, and how they survived.

Therefore, the soldiers in charge on the deck immediately entered the cabin and reported the matter to their great emperor Andre.

"Great Emperor, two Asian humans were found on the isolated island ahead, what should we do?"

Having experienced a bloody slaughter before, Andre, who was pressing the beauty and releasing excessive kidney hormones, stopped his movements and raised his eyebrows when he heard what his subordinate said.

"Humans of Asian descent found?"

Andre laughed amusedly, it's interesting, it's really interesting that there are human beings and Asians in such an area.

Andre immediately ordered: "Don't hurt them, bring them on board intact."


The soldiers who received the order retreated through the door.

Because Andre was attracted by this matter,

Apparently the woman on the bed was used to the emperor having a face on the bed and a face under the bed. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom to cleanse the emperor.

While Andre was bathing, the cruiser arrived at the isolated island at a very fast speed, and Dugu came face to face with Quan Jiayun on the rocky cliff of the island, only [-] meters away.

Immediately, the eyes of the two parties met together.

Although the soldier holding the binoculars just now has confirmed from the binoculars that the two Asians are young men and women, when they got close, they saw the man and the woman so directly.

He was still shocked by the youthfulness of this man and woman.

Moreover, there was no trace of embarrassment on this man and woman, and there was an air of shock on that man's body.

This frightening aura is naturally evil aura, although Dugu has withdrawn all the evil aura in his body, but because he just killed just now, this aura still exists.

The other men on the deck also opened their eyes wide, looking exaggeratedly at the man and woman on the island, to be precise, more at Quan Jiayun.

In the eyes of Europeans who are tall and have profound facial features, Asians who are short in stature and of yellow race are flat, and it is impossible to tell whether they are good-looking or not.

But the Asian girl was different.

(End of this chapter)

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