The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1868 I Am Your Favorite Person

Chapter 1868 I Am Your Favorite Person

Tu Wuyue felt her heart constrict.

This feeling made Tu Wuyue unhappy, and it also boosted her fighting power.

Tu Wuyue stopped pretending to be wronged.

She rolled her eyeballs slightly, and said with a coquettish smile, "If I don't open it! General..."

Si Chengtian didn't wait for her next words to say, he stepped out, and his whole body went straight to the position of Tu Wuyue's heart like lightning.

Tu Wuyue pulled the previously prepared hostage out of the storage ring, and was strangled awake as a shield in front of her.

This person was obviously Quan Zhengcheng's mother, the old lady Quan. She was in a coma and sleeping state, but was suddenly pinched awake. Faced with such a horrific attack, she screamed.


Seeing that it was this old man, Si Chengtian abruptly changed the direction of his attack and attacked Tu Wuyue's back.

But Tu Wuyue is not a weak person, relying on her unscrupulous foraging, Tu Wuyue's advancement is also quite fast, it can be said that it is only a little slower than Quan Jiayun, and now Tu Wuyue is also a Golden Core cultivator .

What's more, seeing that this hostage can really make Si Chengtian passive, Tu Wuyue has confidence.

As long as there is this, no matter how strong Ren Si Chengtian is, he will not dare to make a move without any scruples, and this kind of daring to not have any scruples is Tu Wuyue's loophole.

Tu Wuyue evaded and took a position that was easier to defend, stopped the annoying noise of the old woman in his hand, and said to Si Chengtian with a coquettish smile: "Master General, you say you, how can you be willing to attack me, how can you be willing."

When he said this, Tu Wuyue's eyes shone with a deceptive light.

Her face, which was originally painted with exquisite makeup, even raised two touches of rose-like red, which made her already extremely delicate and beautiful appearance immediately more vivid and more heart-pounding.

At the same time, her whole body was suddenly enveloped in a hazy layer of pink mist.

A soul-intoxicating fragrance centered on the powder mist, like ripples rippling from a lake, quickly spread toward the outer edge, because the smell of the air spread quickly, covering the entire formation almost instantly area within.

Everywhere is the aroma of this taste.

Because of the sudden appearance of the old lady Quan, Si Chengtian changed two moves in a row, and the distance from Tu Wuyue was not far away, so he was within the range of this fragrance immediately.

Although Si Chengtian immediately held his breath when he smelled this strange fragrance, he still breathed in a little before.

This fragrance enters the lungs and seems to stir the nerves of the whole body.

The veins on Si Chengtian's forehead twitched slightly, he looked coldly at the woman who was holding Mrs. Quan hostage, and quietly and quickly thought of countermeasures.

Tu Wuyue looked at Si Chengtian's cold and silent appearance, and snorted in her heart, even if Si Chengtian cultivated the way of ruthlessness, her most yin way of lust and illusion can break it, it is better to say that she just happens to be the nemesis .

Heartless people are most afraid of sentient beings.

Even if it is lust.

Seven emotions and six desires, desire is an emotion that no one can avoid.

Tu Wuyue looked at Si Chengtian, and whispered reproachfully: "Chengtian, you are really cruel-hearted, look at me, you actually want to kill me, have you forgotten, I am The person you love the most."

"My favorite, don't you remember?"

favorite person?
Si Chengtian looked at Tu Wuyue, thinking that this is really a lunatic, but looking at Tu Wuyue's eyes, his mood jumped suddenly, because he saw that the face in front of him was blurring and changing.

(End of this chapter)

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