The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1871 Don't help me

Chapter 1871 Don't help me

When Si Chengtian heard Quan Jiayun call out Tiantian, and teased him like this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, how did he know that the woman would suddenly call him that, it was really a title that made people react badly.

Si Chengtian said helplessly: "Stop teasing me, what is Yanfu, it's a monster in human skin."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "It's a goblin, how about it, did that goblin tempt you just now!"

Si Chengtian: "No."

Quan Jiayun: "It's no wonder you didn't, your breathing changed obviously just now, don't think I can't hear you."

Si Chengtian: "Are you jealous? If you are jealous, then why didn't you remind me aloud just now, and you just have the heart to let me be defiled by others."

Quan Jiayun: "Hey, hey, Mr. Si, do you want to use the word defiled as a man?"

Si Chengtian: "Of course, didn't you say that? Men and women are equal. Women have the right to refuse sexual harassment, and men naturally have the right to refuse sexual harassment."

"But when I was sexually harassed, my girlfriend didn't help me at all."

Si Chengtian deliberately said that he was disappointed.

Listening to the voice over there, Quan Jiayun thought to herself, Si Chengtian, an ice man, would pretend to be pitiful, but, hearing what he said, why did she suddenly feel a little guilty.

Quan Jiayun coaxed: "Didn't you know that you have the ability not to be affected, so you didn't remind me aloud? Alright, I'll come back to make up for you, let's not talk about this."

"What happened to that woman, was she instantly killed by you?"

Although Quan Jiayun could hear the loud voice over there and Tu Wuyue's scream, she was not sure whether Tu Wuyue was dead or not, so she asked clearly.

When he heard the question was serious, Si Chengtian stopped pretending to be pitiful, and he replied calmly: "No, I cut off both hands, and she ran away for a second in the maze."

When Quan Jiayun heard that Tu Wuyue was not dead, the corners of his mouth curled up. He was not a vegetarian, so he ran away.

But it's just right that she didn't die, and she happened to meet this person when she went back.

Quan Jiayun asked aloud: "What was it like when she performed the spell that can charm people just now?"

Si Chengtian talked about the pink smoke and weather just now, Quan Jiayun listened secretly, and she guessed that it was not wrong for Tu Wuyue to enter the path of lust because of her kung fu.

Quan Jiayun asked again: "Are you really not charmed at all just now?"

Si Chengtian told without concealment: "For a moment, I mistook her face for a face, but because I knew rationally that it wasn't, so I directly killed that wisp of breath in my body with the intention of extinction."

Later, in order to prevent the other party from using the old lady Quan as a human shield again, Si Chengtian pretended to pretend by calling out the word "Jiang Jiang" in a daze.

You must know that although Si Chengtian was born as a body-training warrior, he was never a person who only knew how to attack violently. Fighting to win by outsmarting was common in the early days when he was not strong enough.

It was only later, when the power became stronger, that the outsmart situation gradually decreased.

When Si Chengtian said this, he thought of Mrs. Quan.

He said: "By the way, the old lady Quan from the Quan family is still in that woman's storage ring."

Si Chengtian remembered that Quan Jiayun said that living people could not stay in this kind of storage space for too long, they would suffocate to death, so he quickly took out Tu Wuyue's arm.

He didn't touch this arm with his hand, and as soon as the arm floated in the air, it was smashed into slag by Si Chengtian's invisible air knife. Si Chengtian directly caught the storage ring, and then hit the divine sense left by the opponent with his spiritual sense. Recognize branding.

(End of this chapter)

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