The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1890 Thank you for leading the way

Chapter 1890 Thank you for leading the way
It was a beautiful girl, standing under the shining ice crystals, she looked even more beautiful and dreamy, she was still smiling at him now, and she looked even sweeter and more pleasant.

If Andre was having fun, he would be happy to see this little beauty, but at this moment, looking at such a girl who is comparable to the dream of an elf, Andre's blood dropped from hot to hot in an instant. cold.

Quan Jiayun! !

She is here! !
Such a thing is obviously unscientific, because they traveled far apart at that time, and he later confirmed that she did not follow, and now that she appears here, it means that she used a method he did not know to follow him .

Follow him without anyone noticing, including the ice dragon.

This is simply horrible.

He still underestimated this girl before.

Andre stared at Quan Jiayun, completely shocked.

He thought that this girl was not simple, but he didn't expect that it was so simple that she could follow him silently.

However, he was shocked.

But he has mixed up from a pirate to the present, and he is not the kind of person who loses his mind because of being shocked. He looked at Quan Jiayun, moved his feet, and quickly glanced in the direction of Bing Linghua.

Sure enough, the flower was no longer on the crystal wall.

Andre immediately understood why the ice dragon chased them out, obviously because the ice flower was stolen by her, so the ice dragon blamed them.

Andre was almost certain that not many of his subordinates would survive. In front of the furious ice dragon that had lost the ice flower, it would be difficult for warriors below the fourth rank to escape.

If they were fast enough to get out of the ice cave before the ice dragon ate it, they would be divided into several targets, and maybe two or three people could escape. If they ran slowly, none of them would survive.

What a praying mantis catching cicadas, the oriole is the last planner.

Andre exhaled a long breath, pursed his lips, stared at the smiling girl, and said slowly: "Why do you want to come with me?"

He didn't ask how she followed her, because it was meaningless to ask, and the other party would definitely not answer.

So, he asked this as soon as he opened his mouth.

Only this, he was puzzled.

Through the prophecy, he knew that there was a treasure here that would benefit his advancement, but he never told anyone about it, not even one of his closest subordinates knew about it.

Why did Quan Jiayun follow him?
Could it be that she also got heralds from others?

When Quan Jiayun heard Andre's question, there was a persistent smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "It's actually very simple. I think it's impossible for you to go to a place without a purpose in your identity, so Just come and see."

"The result surprised me, thank you for leading the way."

If he didn't lead the way, even if she found this glacier, she might not be able to find this ice cave.

When Andre heard this thank you, and looked at this smiling face, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Damn, he actually let such a young girl be fooled by someone pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But now, things have fallen into the hands of the other party, so they have to negotiate.

Andre's face twitched, and he stared at the girl with scorching eyes and said, "Since you want to thank me, you must be sincere. We are half of that ice flower."

"As for the Ice Soul Crystal, if you like it, we can divide it three to seven, three to me, and seven to you."

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(End of this chapter)

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