Chapter 1897

Quan Jiayun responded, and quickly ran in front of Dugu.

Seeing that Master was fine, Dugu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master, should we leave now or do something? I saw a huge ice dragon just now. It doesn't look like a third-order monster. It has the same shape as Long Xiao. breath."

Dugu quickly told Quan Jiayun what he knew.

Hearing what he said, Quan Jiayun asked, "You met that ice dragon just now."

Dugu replied: "Well, two or ten minutes ago, someone suddenly fired several flares, which seemed to mean assembly, so I followed the group of people and rushed towards the flare.

"In the past, I saw that huge ice dragon killing it."

"Those Tier [-] fighters couldn't survive a move under its hands, because the power it displayed was too powerful and terrifying, and the group of people who rushed past retreated."

"When they ran away, I didn't stay. When they ran, I took advantage of the chaos and snatched their packages."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Not bad, well done, let's go."

The two immediately left the glacier area and came to the place where they had logged into the cruiser before.

The cruiser was still in place, and the people who stayed here before obviously didn't know what happened inside, except for those on the ship, and those who were playing on the nearby ice.

After all, although the battle of ice dragons was a big one, this glacier land was wide enough, and because there were so many icebergs, some of which were hundreds of meters high, that the signal flares sent by those people obviously did not reach here.

Seeing the appearance of Quan Jiayun and Dugu, the man in charge came over, looked at them with a frown and asked, "Why did you come back, did you find anything?"

Quan Jiayun smiled, and was about to speak when he saw a signal flare being fired from the sky thirty or forty miles away. Because of the proximity, everyone here could have seen it.

It seems that something happened.

"Go, go to meet."

This third-tier and eighth-tier man is going to meet him with the rest of the team.

Quan Jiayun didn't say anything about it, he drew out his sword and slashed at the ice surface, click, a huge gap was cut on the ice surface immediately.

In an instant, everyone around was stunned.

Because this sword was so powerful, the person who was closer just now was forced to take several steps back by the sharp sword energy.

They looked at the incomparably deep gap, and looked at the beautiful girl in disbelief, only to see that the girl who once made them feel weak and young now leaped onto the boat with a powerful aura, looked down at the people below and said: "If you don't want to die, get on the boat right away. The boat will set sail in 30 seconds."

After Quan Jiayun's words fell, Dugu had grasped the two sailors very savvyly, and fled inside.

Seeing such a situation, the people on the ice were first shocked by the opponent's arrogance, and then reacted immediately, their brains were instantly enveloped by anger and disbelief.

Are these two Asians trying to rebel while the emperor has not come back?
Want to be beautiful! !

When they are dead?
This group of men jumped on the boat to stop the rebellion of the Asian woman.

"If you don't want to die, stop you immediately..."

The man's angry voice didn't finish roaring, but Quan Jiayun cut off the arm he was about to grab Quan Jiayun with a sword. In an instant, amidst the man's wailing, the men rushing forward stopped in their tracks, startled. He looked at Quan Jiayun in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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