Chapter 1899 Save Me
With a command, the huge cruiser started to move. Those who stood on the ice and chose not to leave did not know that the danger was coming. They looked at the ship that was getting farther and farther away, and their faces were full of contempt. ridicule.

These ignorant weaklings actually choose to obey two Asians, do you think what will happen to them?
When the emperor takes them back, they will feel better.

Thinking of this, they turned their eyes away in disdain, looked at the companions left behind and said, "Let's go to meet the emperor and report this matter to the emperor."


The group of people ran towards the direction where the signal flare was set just now, and only ran 2000 meters. Before they got close to the continuous iceberg, they were pleasantly surprised to see more than a dozen figures running from all directions in the iceberg standing in front of them.

However, they didn't wait for more than two seconds of surprise.

The next moment, the picture displayed in their field of vision stunned them.

Because along with these figures, there is a huge ice dragon, which is a huge and strange creature that they have only seen in dinosaur blockbusters.

At this moment, that huge cold creature flapping its huge wings was hunting and killing the person running in front, and another person was smashed into a meatloaf by the ice dragon's claws.

As for the people running ahead, everyone's faces were panicked.

Especially when they saw that the ship had already set sail, their tense nerves were hit hard again, and they shouted with dismal expressions: ", wait for us."

Seeing such a terrified battle royale scene, the footsteps of the people who were going to meet him all froze.

Those running, looking at the group of people ahead from the despair that the cruiser had already set sail, shouted with hope in their hearts: "Quick, quick, bomb it quickly, bombs can cause damage to it .”

In fact, no one expects that some bombs can kill this ice dragon, and no one expects that someone can save them.

What they want is that these people buy them a little more time.

To put it bluntly, this meeting is for my own survival, and I want to get more cannon fodder to cover my back, so that I can have a chance to escape, so that they can run to the boat.

After all, although the ship is sailing, it can still be seen, and there is hope if it can still be seen.

In the face of survival, people have become quite selfish.

However, these people who were going to respond were not fools. They saw with their own eyes that a strong man like the lieutenant general could not stand up to the ice dragon's two or three blows.

When they heard these voices, they naturally didn't rush forward, but their rigid bodies and brains finally reacted.

How could they be able to deal with such a big dragon that made everyone so embarrassed.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.

run! !

They quickly turned around and ran towards the big ship. The figures crossed the ice surface, and only an afterimage flashed on it. It can be said that their blood boiled instantly, and they exhausted their limit running speed.

Now, these people watched it become a big white ship, without the ridicule and disdain before.

"help me!!"

"help me!!"

As they ran desperately, they waved their hands, trying to call the ship back.

Far away on the sea, the people standing outside also saw this battle royale scene, they opened their eyes wide in shock, it was... seeing those people being torn to pieces and killed by the giant dragon one by one.

Their bodies shuddered.

If they chose to disembark at that time, wouldn't it be them who have encountered these things now?
(End of this chapter)

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