The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1901 Seeing one kills one

Chapter 1901 Seeing one and killing one

Because what she hates the most is this kind of person who just talks but doesn't do anything. She wants to kill one when she sees one. It's just so willful.


In the splashing sea water, the man took a mouthful of sea water in an instant, he immediately surfaced, clinging to the edge of the boat, and shouted loudly to the top: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, please, Let me aboard."

Looking at the face that had a beard in the first place but made such an expression at this moment, Quan Jiayun lightly clicked his tongue in disgust.

This is a despicable man.

Taking another look at Quan Jiayun felt it was an eyesore, so Quan Jiayun withdrew his gaze, didn't look at the man again, and looked into the distance again.

Seeing that she didn't make a sound, the man assumed that she had acquiesced, and immediately climbed up. However, halfway through the climb, he was sucked into the sea by a long tentacle.

There was another howl.

Quan Jiayun glanced lightly with a snort, then looked into the distance again.

At this time, the three people who jumped into the sea were also captured by the ice dragon, and it can be said that the entire army was wiped out as far as they could see.

Maybe there are people hiding in other places on the glacier, but it is estimated that there are not many such people, because she has seen dozens of them die before and after.

At this time, the ship had shifted direction and was quite far away from the ice dragon.

But Quan Jiayun did not dare to guarantee 100% that this ice dragon would not come after him.

First of all, it depends on how enlightened the ice dragon's intelligence is. After all, she has not seen this ice dragon incarnation. If she is at Long Xiao's level, there is half the chance of chasing it, and half the chance of not chasing it.

This is also Quan Jiayun's well-founded analysis.

She noticed just now that although this ice dragon has wings and can fly, it doesn't seem to fly too high, and it will land on the ground from time to time, which cannot be compared with Long Xiao's flight.

If this is the case, then this ice dragon obviously cannot leap across the huge sea, so it will not chase after it.

Of course, it's also possible that it didn't need to fly too high just now.

Everything is possible.

If the ice dragon comes after it, use the missiles on the ship to hurt it first, and then see if you can find a chance to kill it. If not, she will just abandon the ship and leave.

Is Quan Jiayun too worried about this?

After 10 minutes, the boat had sailed so far that the ice dragon could no longer be seen, only a shrinking iceberg could be seen, and up to now, the ice dragon has not been chased out.

Seeing this, the hearts of those on board were relieved.

As soon as they relaxed and thought about their future, they became depressed again. This is a deep sea area, and it will take two or three days to go back. And she, this Asian woman, can lead them back?
Will she abandon them halfway?Just like abandoning Greeley just now.

Everyone felt chills just thinking about it.

They looked at each other again, why don't they find a chance, kill each other, and regain power?
Quan Jiayun withdrew his staring gaze, looked at these wooden people, and said in disgust: "What are you doing standing there stupidly, what you should have done before, and what you should do now, if there are not enough people, you can assign patrols by yourself. people."

"Why, this also needs me to say one by one?"

Hearing Quan Jiayun's icy voice, these people trembled, immediately abandoned the idea of ​​killing each other, and immediately took action.

Just at this time Dugu came out, Quan Jiayun handed over the handling of the ship to him.

"Look, I'll go in and have a rest. Don't bother me unless you encounter a fourth-order monster that can't be solved."

(End of this chapter)

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