The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1907 Totally Unequal System

Chapter 1907 Totally Unequal System
There is no other difference except race.

Quan Jiayun glanced twice, and quietly entered the giant wall.

After entering the huge wall, the scenery inside is completely different from the Huaxia base. First of all, there are obvious differences between the buildings and the Huaxia buildings.

Then there is no governor or mayor here, and the territorial system is implemented here.

The land within the wall is divided into twelve territories in total except for the fortress-like royal capital in the center.

12 yuan territory, twelve lords.

These lords ruled over the humans on their own land, and how much spoils they handed over to Andre each year, which was regarded as a little emperor with a certain degree of independence under Andre.

Because Andre is only in charge of the lord, and will not interfere with how the lord manages the people below, therefore, these twelve territories are also strong and weak. The strong territories are generally rich, while the weak territories are poorer.

If the lord fails to deliver the booty that Andre needs, he will be dismissed and replaced.

Generally speaking, compared with China, this place has implemented the class system to the extreme, and there is no idea of ​​​​covering up the unequal class of this class on the surface.

Slaves, commoners, nobles, lords, emperors, those who sit high have absolute power of life and death over those below.

Here, the slave market exists legally. As long as you are strong enough, you can own everything. If you are not strong enough and have no other connections, then you can never talk about human rights in this place.

This is all the information Quan Jiayun obtained from those people's memories.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the information that Quan Jiayun obtained through soul searching.

When Quan Jiayun passed some villages and towns from the edge and entered the city center of the nearest territory, he saw the daily scenes that those people had seen in their minds.

The so-called daily scene is that in this city, people in luxurious and expensive clothes are walking on the road. Many people are holding chains in their hands. At one end of the chain, some are holding monsters, while others are holding chains. is a real person.

Although they are said to be living people, these people kneel on the ground like a dog, walking on all fours, sticking out their tongues from time to time, accepting the food fed by their masters obediently.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered slightly.

She knew that these were man-made slaves, also known as dog slaves.

There is no human rights.

The master can execute such a slave at will without anyone asking.

Although Quan Jiayun had seen such a scene in the memory of those people, he stood on the street and saw with his own eyes these slaves lying on the ground without dignity.

Quan Jiayun still shook his head and sighed softly.

In the peaceful age, the dark side was hidden, except for a few people who knew it, most of them lived in a happy life, but in this new world, all the dark sides are exposed.

Human nature is the least testable thing.

Human beings can do anything as long as they are not restrained by superiors.

She saw that some of them even had half their arms cut off, leaving only the broken limbs crawling away.

Some have their faces ruined, some don't know if they have done genetic experiments, most of them look like humans, some of them look like monsters, some of them are dressed up brightly, but they wear But it is extremely exposed, and it is the existence of sex and slavery at first glance.

Facing such a picture, Quan Jiayun turned his gaze, and saw in the middle of the road besides people riding tame monsters, there were also nobles riding human chariots.

(End of this chapter)

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