Chapter 1919 Encircled

This scene is extremely spectacular and brings a strong visual impact.

On the left and right sides of the street, there is a knight order of hundreds of people, each wearing silver-white armor, holding an extremely sharp saber or long knife, and there are several people in white robes among them.

On the front and rear houses are soldiers in uniform, holding the latest machine guns, aiming at Quan Jiayun and others in the center range.

In addition to being blocked in all directions, there was also the sound of propellers scraping the air above the sky. It was four armed helicopters with large-caliber machine guns pointing downwards.

In this dense and spectacular encirclement scene, the few people in the center circle of Quan Jiayun seemed too weak and weak.

On the street, the people who had already closed their doors took a breath of air when they watched the scene from the window, although they all knew that these bold Asians would definitely be intercepted and killed.

But two knights, plus at least three battalions of troops, and special fighters.

Such a blockade still shocked them.

This kind of combat power gathered together is enough to deal with the tide of medium-sized beasts. Even dozens of Tier [-] warriors can't kill the encirclement. It can be said that this kind of combat power can compete with one or two Tier [-] warriors.

And there are only three people of Asian descent.

This is enough to see the fury of the Anton family.

Obviously, when they came, they had already learned how these Asians treated Earl Anton crazily, so they were determined to make it difficult for these people to fly.

"Anton's family really spent a lot of money this time. Oh, I can already foresee how miserable that little Asian beauty will become in the future."

"Can the Anton family keep their money? My heirs have been treated like this. If they don't come back swiftly, what will happen to the Anton family in the future?"

The crowd whispered almost silently.

In the center of the encirclement, the blond girl saw this scene, her rosy face suddenly lost its color, and at the same time, her body trembled uncontrollably.

However, her physical reaction was not because she was afraid.

It's just an instinctive reaction of the body to the overwhelming coercion from all directions.

In her heart, she was not afraid.

What is a man who is determined to die afraid of?

When she attacked Anton, she was already mentally prepared, knowing that she would encounter such a scene.

So as soon as she heard the sound of kicking, she had already put the muzzle of the gun to her heart, and she would see so many powerful warriors in all directions.

She didn't have a trace of fear, on the contrary, she was so excited that she became heroic.

I thought that I would live my whole life like a wimp, and never get revenge in my whole life.

Now, she has revenge.

Before dying, it would not be in vain if he could die with such vigor and vigor under such a grand occasion.

The blond girl was also Swoboda, with a pale face and a bright smile, and she was about to pull the trigger. At this moment, she thought of something, and subconsciously glanced at Quan Jiayun again, feeling a little worried.

However, she quickly smiled again.

It was useless for her to worry.

She had notified the other party in advance to run away, and the other party would not leave.

I just hope that the other party can escape smoothly!

Finally making this wish, Swoboda curled his fingers and closed his eyes.

But before the bullet pierced her heart, the gun in her hand was melted by ice, and the bullet was naturally stuck in it, so it was not shot out.

(End of this chapter)

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