Chapter 1922

To be honest, this request was really simple, it was just a knee bend. However, for Duke Lev in this capacity, this kneeling was undoubtedly more humiliating than his injury and bleeding.

Prince Lev stared at Quan Jiayun, the veins in his temples throbbed violently.

The others, the others were beyond shocked.

Although it seemed absurd for a moment, but this woman has refreshed her three views just now. After thinking about it carefully, the other party is already so arrogant, so asking the Duke to kneel down for her now is not too outrageous.

It's just that the way they looked at this beautiful Asian girl looked more and more like looking at a dead person.

Quan Jiayun ignored these gazes, she raised her eyebrows, looked at Duke Lev and said, "Why, don't you want to?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Anton, and said with some puzzlement: "Could it be that this person is not your son? I guessed wrong? Otherwise, you can get back a son with just one kneeling. No one would buy such a good deal." Don't want to."

Duke Lev stared at Quan Jiayun, his facial expression pulled, it was an expression of trying to endure.

Obviously, he seemed to be about to explode.

At this time, two people stepped forward on the left, and one person stepped forward on the right. Obviously they were the leaders of it. They came to Duke Lev and pressed his shoulders to signal him to calm down. At the same time, a person was sticking to Duke Lev. Said a word quietly.

Quan Jiayun acted as if she hadn't seen this scene, she was facing Anton and said, "Poor thing, I just let you go with a small request, but obviously, this man doesn't care about anything like this." Willing to do it for you, it seems that you are not that important, and I will definitely give you up in the end."

As far as how to whip a person mentally, Quan Jiayun has always been an expert.

Her gloating words were like the sharpest knife piercing into Anton's heart, making Anton, who had been tortured to the point of being a little out of order, even more mad.

Although he believes in his father's love for him, after all his father's sons are dead, he is the only one, but his father can still give birth to a son if he wants to.

Maybe he really will be abandoned.

After all, it is impossible for the situation to remain so stalemate.

Anton looked at Quan Jiayun with his red eyes, his body trembled, and he looked at his father in an urgent manner. ..."

help me……

He didn't want to die, and he couldn't die.

He also wants revenge.

At this time, Anton was completely ferocious and ugly. He had no dignity in front of his desire to survive. Duke Lev felt a pain in his heart when he saw his son's ugly appearance.

Duke Lev suppressed his hatred, stared at Quan Jiayun and said, "Just let it go if you kneel, you won't break your promise."

Quan Jiayun nodded: "Of course, I am a good girl who keeps promises."

Prince Lev said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll kneel."

As soon as these words came out, there was a faint uproar hidden in the house. Duke Lev really knelt down to that girl. The duke told him not to.

Duke Lev lowered his head, and his tall body gradually became shorter.

Quan Jiayun watched with a smile.

And at this moment, the eyes of the people next to him moved, and while they were focusing on this moment, several guns aimed at the back of Dugu's head and the back of his vest were fired at this moment.

At the same time, Duke Lev, whose knees were only bent, moved together with the other three like a cheetah that had successfully run up.

(End of this chapter)

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