The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1930 1 kill in 1 step

Chapter 1930
Seeing her coming now, and saying that this man is her apprentice, Duke Lev's eyes flashed. Instead of continuing to attack with a weapon, he retreated quickly.

Apparently, Quan Jiayun's performance just now also shocked him, making him, a third-order late warrior, completely afraid to face him directly.

Seeing him retreating, Quan Jiayun said, "I'm talking to you, why are you going, stop."

"If you don't stop, I'm going to be angry."

Quan Jiayun said with a wave of his hand, but everyone didn't see anything clearly. The next second, the Xinghe Sword suddenly appeared and spun around Duke Lev's feet.

Duke Lev, who was running, only felt a splitting pain coming from his leg. Duke Lev quickly lowered his head and watched helplessly, his upper body and lower body shifted, revealing deep flesh and blood.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look.


Under the violent pull of the high-speed running, the little flesh and blood that was still attached was completely torn apart.

Duke Lev, who had lost his legs, fell heavily on the ground in the next second. From the perspective of outsiders, when Duke Lev was running, someone suddenly rushed to him, and his legs remained where they were.

Quan Jiayun held the Xinghe sword that had returned to his hand, and said with a helpless smile: "Look, I told you to stop, why don't you obey me obediently."

"Actually, I really don't want to cut off your legs, but who told me not to like disobedient children? Another one, you said your skin is so brittle. I thought that if you are a Tier [-] warrior, your skin will be very tough. "

Several other people were entangled with the masked man. After seeing this situation, their eyes flickered with horror, and their steps kept moving backwards. No one dared to step forward.

Duke Lev's mind went blank for a moment on the ground.

No legs?
Prince Lev turned his head to look at his legs, his body stiffened for a few seconds, and he raised his eyelids to look at the smiling girl.


Quan Jiayun looked at him and smiled and said: "What about me, you have to think about it before you say it, don't talk like your son, and you will end up miserable."

This tone is so innocent, and with her such a beautiful face, it looks so cute.

If they hadn't seen what she did just now, people would almost have thought that she was a harmless girl, but now, everyone looked at her in horror, as if they were looking at a terrifying devil.

Prince Lev gasped and bit his lip.

He was afraid, and at this moment, amidst her smiling threats, he really didn't dare to say anything.

Because this girl is really scary.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows.

"Is there nothing to say?"

Prince Lev gasped and didn't speak, just looked at him with a pair of red eyes.

Quan Jiayun turned his head and looked at the others: "What about you, do you have anything to say?"

The others stared at her, also silent.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said, "Okay, since none of you expressed anything, then I'll leave."

Quan Jiayun hooked his fingers towards the blond girl and said, "Let's go."

Swoboda swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly flew behind her. Needless to say, Dugu and Xiaohui quickly came behind Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun walked towards the front of the blocked road with a relaxed pace, and looked at the person blocking the road leisurely and said: "If you don't retreat within ten seconds, I will kill you with one step."

(End of this chapter)

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