The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1935 Reasons for Transformation Experiment

Chapter 1935 Reasons for Transformation Experiment

Quan Jiayun hooked his fingers at her to signal her to come over, and Swoboda immediately flew in front of Quan Jiayun. Quan Jiayun took her hand, and with a light swipe of his fingertips, he cut the girl's finger. The blood immediately seeped out from the wound.

Swoboda's eyes flashed, but he didn't struggle.

Quan Jiayun didn't explain anything. She wiped her finger on the thick blood, and she withdrew her hand, and put the hand covered in the girl's blood into her mouth, and tasted it carefully...

Seeing her like this, Swoboda's heart skipped a beat. She looked like a blood race in legends, elegant and lazy, but lurking a deadly danger.

Swoboda didn't dare to look too much, and quickly lowered his eyes, but he felt a little suspicious in his heart.

In fact, she was overthinking it. Quan Jiayun likes to watch people go bloody, but she has no hobbies for bloodthirsty.

Her tasting is to check the ingredients in the girl's blood to see what kind of animal blood she has been mixed with. This is similar to using scientific methods to test blood, but the method is different.

After a while, Quan Jia opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

it is as expected.

When she saw the girl's pair of monster beast wings before, she wondered how she would survive after being transplanted into a human body. Now after checking, it turned out that a large amount of three-headed bird genes had been injected into the girl's flesh and blood.

This matches the three-headed bird wings she planted, which ensures that there is no rejection.

Obviously, this reformed person was not reformed just for perverted hobbies, but was doing experiments.

As for the experiment.

Quan Jiayun has already guessed, it is natural to let human beings become monsters.

This kind of monsterization can also be said to be a kind of evolution.

After all, there is one more form, which is undoubtedly even more powerful for fighting.

At the beginning, the transformation of China into a monster was promoted by Quan Jiayun from the Xuanyangzi incident.

From then until now, warriors in China who can mutate into monsters are no longer particularly rare. In big cities, there are many half-alienated humans with beast ears and tails.

Quan Jiayun has never paid attention to other areas.

After checking this situation now, Quan Jiayun remembered that when watching Andre fight, one of his arms could also turn into a beast. At that time, she didn't think too much about it, because this situation seemed normal to her.

Now that I think about it, how did I get the animalization method here.

Today, every surviving place in the world is basically in a closed state, living in a nest to resist monsters.

Except for a few high-level people who dare to go to other places through the wild beast area, like her, basically most people stay in one place, without the ability to go to other places.

Got it from the internet?Although the network is all regional, coupled with text restrictions, they may get some information from it, but it is absolutely impossible to get more detailed information.

That is to say, even if the method she said is not used, through scientific experiments here, it is obvious that some methods of alienation have been mastered.

The corners of Quan Jiayun's mouth curled up.

Just don't know to what extent.

Quan Jiayun was very interested and began to look inside the girl's body.

This examination found that the girl's heart had also been transplanted into a demon heart. Quan Jiayun looked at the structure inside and asked aloud, "When did you have the surgery? The exact time."

Svoboda replied honestly: "At the end of January last year, it has been a year and a half since now."

(End of this chapter)

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