The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1937 The lord seeks an audience

Chapter 1937 The lord seeks an audience
Such an experiment, for the whole human being, is advancing the evolutionary process.

Just like when monsters invaded, humans didn't know how to refine the body with monster blood. It was only through human beings who slowly explored and died countless millions of people that they gradually figured out the method of refining the body with monster blood. Method, the achievement of the existence of warriors.

It is through this spirit of research that human beings can still stand on the earth today without being exterminated.

I have to say that although some people have suffered, for those with vested interests, these can be regarded as merits.

Quan Jiayun guessed that after studying for so long at the research institute, there must be more gains, otherwise Andre would not have taken the initiative to alienate the arm and successfully changed the arm back to its original shape.

Quan Jiayun was suddenly aroused, and planned to go to the research institute to see what else they had researched.

Of course, Quan Jiayun was not in a hurry to go right away. After all, the headquarters of the research institute is not in this city, but in the capital, and the research institute will not run away there.

She let Dugu come in and take the girl down first.

After the girl was taken down, Quan Jiayun entered the small world, and poured the blood essence of the three-headed bird into the cauldron of fortune. Of course, the blood essence of the three-headed bird was extracted to make blood Dan gave that girl so that she could successfully alienate, instead of being half human and half demon like she is now.

However, because there is a time limit for the refining of the Creation Cauldron, after pouring it in, Quan Jiayun didn't guard it, but swallowed the elixir she made herself, sat down and began to meditate.

In the previous battle with those people, although she won easily, it also consumed more than one-fifth of her spiritual power. Now, it is natural to make up for this part of her spiritual power first.

This is the habit that Quan Jiayun has always maintained in Cang Lan Xing. Whenever possible, as long as there are conditions, he will let himself be in his prime.

Because the spiritual power of a monk is very important, a little more or less may determine the final outcome, and it is related to his own life. Quan Jiayun will never be careless in this regard.

When Quan Jiayun was staying in the hotel to restore his spiritual power, what Quan Jiayun did had already entered the ears of all the high-level executives.

In the luxurious manor, a man who looked healthy and ageless looked at the knights below with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Is there such a character? Where is she now?"

"Still at XX Hotel in N City."

"I didn't hide my figure. It seems that I am extremely confident in myself. What's the situation now? Has the lord over there gone?"

"The news I just found out is on the way."

"Let's take a look first, don't worry."

Questions like this happened in various places in the Soviet Russian Empire, and every force hoped that someone in front would try to find out what happened, and did not want to fight rashly.

Quan Jiayun didn't know about this, she was about to take the Yaodan for a while after replenishing her spirit energy, but Dugu came in and contacted her using the method she taught him.

"Master, the lord of this place wants to see you outside."

When Quan Jiayun heard this, her eyes flashed, she stepped out of the small world, she looked at Dugu, and asked with a smile: "I'm sure you are here to see me, not to attack."

Dugu replied: "I checked with my spiritual sense just now, and there are not a lot of ambushes around, it looks like they are indeed here to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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