The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1939 Come and go one by one

Chapter 1939 Come and go together
You must know that apart from meeting with the lord in the capital, other lords will basically not step into other people's territory without the invitation of the lord of the territory at other times.

Because no lord would like his territory to be invaded by people swaggering, this is an offense.

Moreover, he is not very familiar with this impure blood lord.

Even unhappy with each other.

Because the other party's bandit is tyrannical, he has poached a lot of his talents since he took office, so he has already planned how to deal with this person.

For a split second, Roxy was quite upset and was about to jump down to stop him and ask him why he came, but soon his eyes lit up again.

Because he remembered what was just around the corner now.

The other party is here, isn't this a good thing?

The other party came here, apparently also for that Asian girl, and it just happened to join hands temporarily.

As Roxie's brain was flexible, the impure blood lord below raised his head.

Eyes met, Roxy thought he would go straight up to the second floor to talk to him first, but unexpectedly, the man closed his eyes and turned into the elevator.

At that moment, Roxy's complexion was not good-looking.

What does the other party mean?
Roxy was not stupid enough to think that the other party came up to meet him by taking the elevator, because it would be superfluous to go to a place that could be reached directly with a single lift, unless the other party was not going to the second floor.

Luxi narrowed his eyes, jumped out quickly, and pressed the ascending button outside before the elevator went up.

The elevator door opened, and the two looked at each other again.

Loxi stretched out one leg to block the elevator door, raised the corner of his mouth in an arc, looked at the other person dangerously and said, "Why, Lord Ivan, if you don't call me in advance when you arrive at my site, now that you see me, don't you?" Won't you say hello to me?"

The man called Lord Ivan by Roxie didn't seem to see the dangerous eyes of Roxie at all. He bit the cigarette he had just lit and took a puff, leaned there and said casually: "What can I say hello to you this time? It's not you I want to see."

Murderous intent flashed across Roxy's eyes, but he didn't act at this moment.

He has always planned everything before doing anything, and it is completely irrational to do it now.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at the man and asked meaningfully: "Oh, it means that you have an appointment with that Asian girl in advance."

Hearing that Lord Ivan's eyes flickered, he said, "Whether you have an appointment or not has nothing to do with you."

This obviously means refusing to answer.

However, Luoxi could tell from the twinkling eyes of the other party that the two did not make an appointment in advance in private, and it was Lord Ivan who wanted to see the girl alone.

Thinking of the cold treatment he received when he wanted to see the girl before, it was only at the end that he got the request to meet alone.

Roxy's heart immediately became alive.

Since he wants to meet, let him go, and let this person taste his previous feelings first. If this person can't stand it and wants to meet people forcefully, and fights, then he can also get more information from it .

Thinking about it this way, Roxie didn't stop the other party from meeting the Asian girl.

He put his legs back and said politely: "Then you go to see him first, and I will go later."

Ivan looked at Roxie's smiling face, and said with a flash of light, "Since everyone is here, let's go together."

He said that the moment the elevator closed, he pulled Roxy into the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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