The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1948 Want to live?

Chapter 1948 Want to live?

Dugu immediately went to make arrangements.

After Dugu left, Quan Jiayun looked at Roxy on the ground.

The lord who had said he wanted to see her.

Sensing Quan Jiayun's gaze, Luxi, who was lying there without struggling, quietly recuperating and recovering from internal injuries, trembled uncontrollably.

Just now he soberly heard the whole conversation between the two of them.

Although he couldn't understand the language they spoke, he didn't know what they said.

But from the laughter and their common Chinese, it can be inferred that these two are obviously familiar, and that Lord Ivan has an extremely good attitude towards the girl.

Apparently, the girl still made up her mind.

Now that the girl looked over, she obviously wanted to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Roxy, who wanted to survive, became anxious.

He was no longer keeping quiet, struggling to raise his head halfway, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "My lord, didn't you say you wanted to see me before? Although the way I came was a bit unsightly, my mind has not changed. What do you want, my lord?" Just tell me, I will definitely do it for your lord, and the generous gift for your lord has been prepared and will be here soon, and I hope your lord will be merciful."

Roxie knew that he would be in a situation where someone was a knife and I was a fish, and his life or death depended on the other party's thoughts, so he put down his body and made a low-lying state.

After all, he was not a born nobleman, and he didn't have the arrogance that he would rather die than bend.

He didn't even mention that there were a bunch of people waiting for him below.

Because he knew very well that at this moment he was in their hands, no amount of troops would be of any use, and the people below would never be able to rescue him from her hands, as could be seen from his inability to send out his signal.

So by doing so, it will irritate the other party even more, causing the other party to do some more cruel things.

This is where Anton's lessons learned.

Quan Jiayun chuckled when he heard this, looked at Roxy's blood-stained face and said, "Want to live?"

Roxy pursed her dry lips, nodded without hesitation.

Quan Jiayun said: "Although cutting off your head and hanging it on the city wall can have a more deterrent effect on other lords, but seeing how you have such a strong desire to survive and know the current affairs, I really want to I'm giving you a chance to live."

Luoxi's eyes brightened when he heard this, hope, this is hope, he didn't care that the other party just said that he wanted to give him a chance to survive, but seized this opportunity, and immediately thanked: "Thank you, sir, thank you..."

He thought this attitude would make it difficult for the other party to kill him again.

Quan Jiayun stopped his words and said: "Don't thank me, thank me for what I have done, I haven't finished my words yet, I really want to give you a chance to live, but in the future your future emperor will be the one over there, you It's him who wants to live, not me, you know?"

Quan Jiayun pouted her chin in the direction of Li Ge as she spoke, and threw this person to Li Ge. She wanted to see how Li Ge would deal with him.

Roxy froze when he heard this, and then exclaimed.


He thought he heard it wrong, but looking at the girl's expression, it didn't look like she was joking.

Great Emperor, the future Great Emperor.


Loxi turned his head slowly, looking in the direction of Ivan, his eyes were full of disbelief and absurdity, how could this Ivan be the future emperor.

Although Emperor Andre did not come back this time, Andre...

(End of this chapter)

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