Chapter 1953
This is Li Ge's self-confidence! !

Even without Quan Jiayun, he still has such self-confidence, but with Quan Jiayun's help, the process of his seizure of the throne will be greatly shortened.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun is the only one who is important. For others, it is a joke to talk about not giving up in front of him.

As soon as these words came out, everyone had their own expressions, Quan Jiayun's mouth was curled up, Luxie's face was pale and unbelievable, and the expressions of the others were even more wonderful.


What's the meaning?Is this impure Ivan going to rebel against Emperor Andrei to seize the throne?How dare he! !

Luxi reacted immediately. He suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at Li Ge, and said with red eyes: "But with me, isn't it better than others?"

While he was talking, he was already ready. If this Ivan really didn't give him a chance to survive, he would signal his subordinates to start a rescue operation.

If his subordinates couldn't save him and he was really going to die, he would drag them to hell together.

Facing Roxy's accusation, Li Ge fought back very simply.

"No, I just don't want you to live."

After Li Ge finished speaking, he didn't look at Roxy's reaction, but looked at the people around him and said, "One minute is up, none of you want this opportunity, right?"

I thought, why no one thought about it, but because the opponent's plan was so big, everyone was still hesitating, just when one person's eyes turned hard, and he was about to stand up and kill Roxie.

Li Ge sneered.

"No, then I will kill it myself."

Li Ge drew out the knife at his waist and slashed towards Luxi.

And Roxy, when the other party said something bad, had already secretly gestured to his subordinates with his hands behind his back.

Facing Li Ge's eruption now, he struck down heavily with his palm. Cooperating with the men who helped him, the whole floor he was on collapsed, and he fell down. At the same time, his men threw bombs at Li Ge. Ge smashed, of course, this is only part of it, there are some people who have objections in their hearts, but they didn't take action at this time, but just fled.

Confusion arose immediately.

Faced with such a situation, Li Ge waved his hand, and a layer of golden light shielded the smoke hood. Of course, this was not because his body couldn't prevent such damage, but because he didn't want to dirty Quan Jiayun's clothes.

At the same time as he swung the golden mask, Li Ge hooked his mouth, folded and swayed, and quickly caught up with Luoxi who was fleeing through the collapse, and slashed at him.

This slash was like falling from a god, and directly killed half of the warriors protecting Luoxi, and the rest of the warriors didn't care about Luoxi, and fled in a hurry for their own lives.

Poor Roxy was squeezed by his stump and fell heavily to the ground again.

Seeing the bloody sword swinging towards him, Luxi opened his eyes wide in horror. He tightly held the communicator in his hand, pressed it on the red dot, and looked at Li Ge's ferocious face and roared: "I'm counting Kilometers away, a supersonic missile is arranged to lock here. As long as I press this button, not to mention this hotel will be blown to ashes, even tens of meters nearby will be razed to the ground. Can't survive."

When Li Ge heard the word supersonic missile, the hand holding the knife paused in the air for a second.

Seeing the drama, Luxie swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "We can have a good talk, I just want to live well, and I don't want everyone to die together."

This was one of the trump cards he chose to come here. He didn't arrange it well, so how dare he enter this building so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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