The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1975 Can it be cured

Chapter 1975 Can it be cured

As Quan Jiayun said, he unfolded the tentacles of his spiritual consciousness, covering the outside of the vessel in all directions. In an instant, Quan Jiayun's spiritual consciousness pierced in, and he 'saw' the fat white bug.

The moment he saw it, Quan Jiayun confirmed that it was not an ice worm.

The ice worm can feel the cold air, but there is no cold air on this insect.

At the same time, this worm is slightly larger than the ice worm, and its body is not as transparent as the ice worm. At first glance, it looks like a silkworm baby. It is fat and fat with two black sesame eyes, and it is very cute.

However, it does look somewhat similar to the ice worm, but this time even the well-known Quan Jiayun couldn't recognize what kind of worm it was.

After all, although she has read a lot of animal genealogy and knows a lot of beasts, she does not dare to say that she is omniscient and omnipotent. There must be things she does not know, such as those from other big worlds, or hybrids.

And the Gu worm just now, she could guess it was a Gu worm, but she didn't know what it was.

When Quan Jiayun stared at the worm, the worm seemed to feel something, turned its head, and its sesame-sized eyes seemed to be looking around for something.

Could it be that it sensed her?
Does it have such a strong awareness and feeling?
Quan Jiayun narrowed her eyes and pondered for a few seconds, then she put away the bugs, put Quan Zhengcheng and bed together into the small world, and said to Si Chengtian, "Let's go to the prison."

Si Chengtian didn't ask why, and immediately arranged a stealth fighter.

After getting on the fighter plane, Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun lying on his lap, and then asked Quan Jiayun.

"What's wrong with Uncle Quan? Can it be cured?"

The last sentence Si Chengtian asked very lightly and carefully.

Quan Jiayun lifted his eyelids, looked at his boss Chengtian, and said silently for a second: "Most of his nerves have been destroyed, and now he can be said to be a fool. If he wants to restore these nerves, he can do it." It is possible, but difficult."

It is even more difficult to repair the cranial nerves than the meridians.

With her current cultivation base and spiritual consciousness, she can't repair it, at least she can do it when she is at the Nascent Soul cultivation base.

She once heard on Cang Lan Xing that the son of a cultivator in the transformation stage was searched for his soul and destroyed his entire soul. In the end, it took the cultivator in the transformation stage several years of hard work to put together these fragments of the soul and make it regain its vitality. sanity.

It can be said that it is like a new life.

Of course, there are better ways to go faster.

Quan Jiayun also knew a way.

The spirit nourishing liquid can help repair the sea of ​​consciousness and the soul, and the effect is better than man-made. This spirit nourishing liquid is taken from the heart of the tree of tranquilizing the spirit, which is also commonly known as the tranquilizing wood and the soul nourishing wood. This wood can be used to nourish the soul.

This tree is also a rather rare item.

It can be said that it is difficult to find.

Of course, it is not too difficult for Quan Jiayun to say this.

There happened to be a plant in Quan Jiayun's small world, which was transplanted by the Shinan fairy back then. When she used it to save the military student Huang Jianbo, she used the Anshen tree to send her soul.
However, although Quan Jiayun has such an Anshen tree, the Anshen tree is not old enough.

The 3000-year-old Anshen tree is considered to be the first round of maturity, and only mature Anshen trees can produce this nourishing liquid from the heart and roots of the tree.

The one in Quan Jiayun's small world is only more than 1000 years old now, and it is still far away from maturity, so there is no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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