Chapter 1995
Quan Jiayun's smile made the shocked people feel more real.

Yes, Commander Jiang loves to laugh like that.

There was something very special about his smile.

It's him, that's right, this is Commander Jiang, it's really Commander Jiang, the people who reacted from the shock and excitement began to launch barrages crazily, and more people crowded the live broadcast interface at this time, causing These live broadcast platforms, which claim to have tens of millions of people online at the same time, will freeze their screens here, which makes these excited people anxious.

"Fuck, why is it stuck at this time, what the hell are you doing, I want to kill someone."

"I'm going crazy, at this critical moment, ahhhhh..."

"Which platform will not be stuck?"

"Southwest official, the Southwest official server can hold up."

Under the shouting and cursing of countless people, the backstage staff of various live broadcast platforms became busy here.

"Quickly, divert more immediately."

When the server is overwhelmed by the outside world.

Inside the scene, after Quan Jiayun smiled, he looked at the students who were still acting like idiots and said: "Looking at the way one or two of you open your mouths, you seem to recognize who I am."

All the students looked at Quan Jiayun excitedly and nodded vigorously.

Commander Jiang, who didn't recognize such a legendary figure, only a fool would not recognize him.

Especially Jiang Yuyu, Ji Ruohua, the group of people who supported Quan Jiayun were even more excited, they didn't feel the slightest feeling of being cheated, only ecstasy.

What a surprise that a goddess and a god are combined into one person.

When they saw Quan Jiayun's transformation, they were shocked and pleasantly reminded of what she said before. She said that there will be something to be notified later, and I hope they will not be too surprised.

So, they were a little sweet in the excitement center. Before the notification, Sister Yun specially reminded them, which proves that they are different from others...

So when Quan Jiayun said he recognized who I was, for fear that some people would not recognize me, and of course because of their shouting mood at this time, they jumped and shouted: "Jiang Junchang, Jiang Jun! Commander."

During this kind of excitement, one person started the conversation, which immediately stirred up the atmosphere of the audience.

In an instant, the words Jiang Junchang resounded neatly and loudly throughout the auditorium, and it felt like the roof was about to be ripped off.

Yang Deyi stood in it, like a lonely boat sunk deep in the sea, so small, so flustered, but he still didn't want to admit it all.

He didn't dare to think about the consequences of admitting it.

So he kept telling himself that this might be a lie, just wait, wait, maybe someone will expose it.

And those of his followers couldn't fantasize like this, they stood there with pale faces, thinking that they followed Yang Deyi to persecute Quan Jiayun, they just felt cold physically and mentally...

Of course, among the thousands of students, those who are afraid and worried are only a minority.

Now more people are excitedly calling Commander Jiang.

Including those first-year and second-year students who were not very obedient before, they forgot their previous attitude of looking down on Quan Jiayun, and now they shouted louder than anyone else in the face of Jiang Shanxue, because many of them admired this character the most. Big shot.

Listening to the deafening voice, Quan Jiayun smiled and raised his hand to press down, "Okay."

Quan Jiayun's voice is not loud, if it is usually missed by everyone.

But this time, no one would miss her voice, and no one would dare not listen to it.

(End of this chapter)

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