The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1997 Invite General Si to take the stage

Chapter 1997 Invite General Si to take the stage
When Si Chengtian looked affectionately at the shining Quan Jiayun in front of the stage backstage, after Quan Jiayun finished speaking, he changed back to his original girl appearance again in public.

Before people patronized to shock the change of status went.

Now seeing this big face change again with their own eyes, they stared at it without blinking, not missing every minute and every second of the change.

From the shrinking of height to the shrinking of the outline of the face, they were shocked while watching. This hand shrunk their bones to the brim. Commander Jiang, no, how powerful Quan Jiayun is.

And, how is this done? ?

This is the doubt of those warriors, because although they are physically strong and powerful, they can do it if you want them to shrink their bones and change their appearance.

Only some cultivators understand the principle of this, but most of them can't do it even though they understand it.

Everyone was once again shocked by the power of Quan Jiayun's many means, and Quan Jiayun, who had returned to his original appearance, said with a smile: "Since we mentioned our General Si just now, it's okay not to invite him to the stage, right? "

Hearing this, everyone became even more excited.

At the scene, the barrage was full of yes.

Because it is really pitiful for these two people to appear at the same time, except for the only date at the East China base where people watched, after that, the two hardly appeared in public at the same time.

Moreover, not to mention that the two were on the same field.

The two of them seldom appeared in the public separately. Originally, everyone had a strong curiosity about such a high-ranking big shot. Now that they can be together, no one wants to see it.

Quan Jiayun turned sideways and stared at Si Chengtian who was trapped in the dark, with a smile on his face, he stretched out a finger to hook him.

Si Chengtian looked at her smiling in the light, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at her with bright eyes. He never forgot that she lit up his black and white world with her radiance back then.

Now, the senses seemed to reappear, and Si Chengtian stepped out of the darkness step by step towards her with steady steps.

At this moment, all voices faded away, there was no one else in his world, only her.

Looking at the picture of the tall and handsome General Si appearing on the stage and walking towards Quan Jiayun step by step, many little girls were so excited that they bit their handkerchiefs behind the screen. This picture is so beautiful.

If Quan Jiayun was wearing a wedding dress and Si Chengtian was wearing a suit, it would be like a wedding ceremony.

What's more, General Si's eyes are so loving and affectionate, they are completely only Quan Jiayun's eyes.

For many women, an affectionate man is a big killer.

Especially since this affectionate man was clean before, without any gossip, he would be a big killer.

You must know that there is only affection, no matter how bad this man is, he is a villain, as long as he has affection, many emotional women will willingly clean up for him.

What's more, it's a man like Si Chengtian who is cold and abstinent and never pretends to other women.

Just ask which woman doesn't want a man who loves herself wholeheartedly and only has eyes for herself.

Back when Si Chengtian had no gossip, countless women had taken a fancy to him for this, and fantasized that she was the only special woman who was different from that person.

Now, this woman finally appeared.

There should have been many women who were jealous, but they found that they couldn't get jealous, because Jiang Shanxue was also the male god of many women, so if they were to be jealous, who would they be jealous of?

(End of this chapter)

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