The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 2008 Will Not Fall In Love With A Woman

Chapter 2008 Will Not Fall In Love With A Woman

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue, really not knowing what to say about her.

As for what Tang Haoyue did, it was impossible for her to know supernaturally before she did not search for the soul.

She only guessed from experience that maybe Tang Haoyue was in trouble, so she came to cheat Tang Haoyue. If Tang Haoyue really did it, even if she didn't admit it, she could still see the clue with the fluctuation of her soul.

I didn't expect this fraud to be a fraud.

It really was Tang Haoyue who contributed behind the scenes.

However, Tang Haoyue had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and answered honestly, which is still a bonus for Quan Jiayun.

When the other party's expression froze, Quan Jiayun thought that if Tang Haoyue dared to deceive her as a fool, she would not want this apprentice, but the other party answered honestly and did not dare to lie in front of her.

Quan Jiayun stared at Tang Haoyue's bright face, and said calmly, "Apart from this, is there anything else?"

"No, absolutely not, I just said a few more words, if the master doesn't believe you, you can search my soul." Tang Haoyue knelt and walked to Quan Jiayun's knee while speaking, and turned her head to Quan Jiayun On her knee, she showed her [-]% loyalty to Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun looked at the pretty face on his knees, retracted his hand resting on the sofa, lifted a strand of Tang Haoyue's hair, and slipped it across Tang Haoyue's soft cheek.

Tang Haoyue's heart trembled and she closed her eyes.

She thought, even if she died at the hands of Master at this moment, she would not complain. Anyway, this life was given by Master. It would be a good return to vulgarity to be able to die enjoying the tenderness of this moment while resting on Master's lap before dying. up.

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue's slightly trembling eyelashes, did not search for her soul, but stroked her hair, and said slowly: "Xiaoyue'er, you are very smart, this time you know how not to step on me. line."

"According to the situation, you just said a few more words on purpose and revealed some news. You really didn't do anything bad, but you know very well that everything is inextricably linked."

"Perhaps without you revealing the information, that Tu Wuyue could still use other circumstances to get close to Si Chengtian that day. After all, the other party has a heart, and it may not be possible to dodge blindly, but these are not the reasons for you to do these small tricks, because I I clearly told you last time that I asked you to manage your emotions, and that sentence meant to tell you not to do unnecessary things, you should be clear."

Tang Haoyue's face changed when she heard this, she opened her eyes and looked at Quan Jiayun, trying to explain something, but she couldn't say a word, because she really had bad intentions.

Quan Jiayun stared at Tang Haoyue's pale face, pinched her chin, and continued to give her a heavy blow.

"Even if I break up with Si Chengtian in the future and we are no longer together, I will never fall in love with or be with a woman in this life, understand?"

These words were too lethal, like a thunderbolt that exploded in Tang Haoyue's mind, nearly knocking Tang Haoyue out of her wits.

She could no longer maintain her usual glamorous posture in front of others, her pupils widened in an instant, her mouth trembled, and she looked at Quan Jiayun with a pale face.

For a moment, there is only one thought in the brain.

Master saw her thoughts, Master saw it.

How to do how to do! !What is she going to do?Will she be chased away by her master from now on? All of a sudden, Tang Haoyue was completely panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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