Chapter 213
Immediately, the warriors who had been protecting Cao Jing took a step forward and pointed at Quan Jiayun viciously with their knives in their hands.

The atmosphere in the whole store suddenly became tense.

The war is about to start.

Facing this astonishing coercion, Quan Jiayun was not affected at all, and continued with squinted eyes: "As for the reason for meddling, the owner of this store is my friend."

"Your subordinate broke in and smashed the store and hurt people. I only cut off his two hands. It's very magnanimous not to kill him."

"Now, you brought people here, and instead of giving me an explanation, let me give you an explanation. This is the end of the story!" When Quan Jiayun said this, he squinted his eyes and looked at Cao Jing playfully. .

Cao Jing laughed angrily when he heard these words, and actually asked them to explain to the Blood Flame Gang.

He stared at the extremely arrogant young man in front of him, and said with a smile: "Okay, very good, what do you want us to give you?"

That sounded threatening.

A smarter person would know not to say anything.

However, Quan Jiayun is not afraid of the people in front of her at all, so she doesn't need to be clever.

She said without hesitation: "First, compensate for the loss in the store."

Cao Jing looked at him and burst out three words from between his teeth.

"anything else?"

Quan Jiayun said indifferently: "Let the people who smashed the store just now bow and apologize to my friends, and then, you take your people out of this store, and you will not be allowed to enter the store in the future, let alone harass you them, hurt them a hair."

After Quan Jiayun finished speaking, he shrugged, "That's basically it."

This attitude of ignoring Cao Jing completely angered Cao Jing, no matter how big the city was, he couldn't bear it, he sneered, and stared at Quan Jiayun with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Boy, this is the territory of the Blood Flame Gang, you are too arrogant."

As Cao Jing spoke word by word, the ferocious aura all over his body shocked the warriors beside him.

"I see that you are still young and have some ability, and you have given you some face, but you are really good at making progress! Since you refuse to eat the toast and insist on taking the fine wine, then I will grant you."

Accompanied by the words "fulfill you", Cao Jing waved his hand with a grim smile.

Those warriors with knives immediately swung their knives at Quan Jiayun.

These warriors are all warriors who have reached the second rank. This slash with a knife has a lot of power, and there are several gusts of wind in the whole store.

The sharp wind blew up Quan Jiayun's black hair, and while the hair was flying, Quan Jiayun sat there with an indifferent expression, looking at these coldly shining knives, without even blinking his eyelids.

Seeing that several knives were about to be slashed on Quan Jiayun's body, Liu Sining closed her eyes in fear, and Xiang Junqing was also a little anxious, why didn't she move!

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared.

"court death."

Accompanied by the cold words of the visitor, the visitor swung his fist, swiped his palm to grab the knife, and swished a few more knives. In less than ten strokes, the warriors who swung their knives at Quan Jiayun were bloody in their stools. was kicked out.

If it wasn't for the fact that the entrance of the store was not blocked by members of the Blood Flame Gang, those people would have flown outside by now.

This sudden scene shocked everyone present.

They glanced at the injured people, raised their eyes, and looked at the tall man wearing a mask in horror.

Where did this man come from?And this cultivation base is not easy, Brother Niu and the others are all second-tier and third-tier fighters, but they haven't done ten tricks under this man's hands.

Cao Jing looked at this scene, looked at the masked man, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Who is your Excellency? Do you also want to help Xueyan with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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