Chapter 2174

The consequences of this violent smash were extremely powerful.

Boom, the roaring sound that shook all directions rang out at the moment of the collision. At the same time, the sea water in a radius of several miles rose high and fell violently, like a heavy rain that could not see the sky .

In an instant, the monsters in the nearby sea seemed to have been bombed.

Many first-level low-level monsters were directly blown to death by the shock of space, turning their bellies up on the turbulent sea, while higher-level monsters ran out like desperadoes.

As for the sea area farther away, although there is no such huge movement nearby, the waves are still surging, and the sea wind is howling. Even people far away by the sea can feel the shock.

They stared at the violently undulating sea in astonishment.

"What's going on here? Is there a big storm? Or is there a sea beast?"

"Who knows, just in case, let's hurry back to the city!"

Compared with the reactions of these unaware low-level warriors, there are several places above the East China Sea. These people looked at the scene on the sea, and their eyes lit up with a strange light.

This movement...

When countless lives were stunned, stunned, or excited by the sudden shock, Quan Jiayun, who had caused all of this, looked at the unbroken space below, retreated and slammed it again.

Boom, once, twice, three times...

The shock in the space is getting bigger and bigger, as if the whole world is trembling.

Amidst the tumbling/rolling waves that were getting bigger and bigger, on the islands in the distance, on the ships, and on the flying swords, several figures shot/shot toward Quan Jiayun without hesitation.

Quan Jiayun didn't know all of this.

She stared intently at the bottom, and when the small world slammed into it for the eighth time, the space below finally burst unbearably.

Like a treasure mirror being shattered to release the huge/huge/thing inside, at the moment of the collapse, a cloud-shrouded island seemed to appear out of thin air, and it suddenly stood up and stood above this sea area, as if it existed in the Same here.

Standing high in the sky, Quan Jiayun can see looming buildings, flowers and trees under the cover of clouds and mist.

Quan Jiayun watched all this with a joyful smile in his eyes.

found it.

Sure enough, the Holy Dragon Palace is hidden in it.

Before, Li Meijing said that due to the influence of astronomical tides, the Holy Dragon Hall appeared once every 300 years, and then disappeared within a few days after it appeared, she thought it was quite strange.

Because if it was hidden by a powerful magic circle, then after more than a thousand years, does the magic circle still have enough spiritual power to support it?But if it wasn't for the magic circle to hide, what would happen?
At that time, she also guessed a possibility, that the Holy Dragon Palace fell and disappeared along with the space crack, just like she once left the earth, and all kinds of rumors after that.

At that time, she didn't think about space, because her inherent thinking limited her.

But when she searched and didn't find the magic circle, but found a hidden space here, she knew she was wrong.

I didn't expect that such a small world that was split out really existed on the earth! !

Although it is not as good as her mobile small world made of meteorites, it is powerful enough. No wonder no one has found this place for nearly 2000 years, and can only passively wait for it to appear by itself.

I don't know who opened it.

This alone made Quan Jiayun even more interested in the Holy Dragon Hall, and she couldn't wait to go in and have a look.

Quan Jiayun fell down quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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