The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 224 The So-Called Gap

Chapter 224 The So-Called Gap


Wang Chao, who had just been dazzled by Quan Jiayun's swaying smile, felt disdainful in his heart when he heard her outrageous words, the gap?How far can he be from her before.

Did she think that if she ran ahead of him now, she must have won?

Wang Chao stared at Quan Jiayun's turning back with heavy eyes, adjusted his blood, and broke out again.

In an instant, Wang Chao shortened the distance between the two by one meter.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth twitched, and he said without turning his head: "The warm-up is over, keep your eyes wide open, and watch it."

Following Quan Jiayun's words, Quan Jiayun's Wind Control Technique was also completed.

In the next moment, Quan Jiayun's speed increased by another speed, so fast that people could only see the black afterimage left by the black uniform, like a bolt of lightning crossing the runway, with an astonishing speed, surpassing Xiao Tianhao in an instant , sweeping away towards the finish line.

Do not! ! !
Wang Chao's eyes widened.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Wang Chao's blood boiled in a hurry, he didn't care whether he was exhausted or not, he just kept speeding up to catch up.

However, even if Wang Chao's blood boiled, it was useless.

Quan Jiayun's speed was too fast, he advanced [-] meters in just a blink of an eye.

The other students gasped as they watched this scene.

What a terrifying speed! ! !

Looking at the lightning-like figure, Xiao Tianhao and Wang Chao who were thrown far away in an instant, many students couldn't help but have an idea in their minds. The fierce battle between her and Xiao Tianhao and Wang Chao just now The chasing battle is simply to amuse them!
Wang Chao looked at the afterimage that was getting farther and farther away from him, and the feeling in his heart was simply indescribable, and being slapped severely was not enough to describe his current feelings.

warm up! !
She actually said she was just warming up.

Is this the gap between him and her? ?
Although the other top students didn't hear what Quan Jiayun said to Wang Chao, they felt the same as Wang Chao when they saw Quan Jiayun's back.

At this moment, they all knew that they couldn't catch up.

Quan Jiayun's speed was unmatched.

Without any suspense, Quan Jiayun was the first to cross the snow-white line at the finish line. In an instant, amazing cheers erupted from the large group of students.

"We won, Her Lady Queen won! We can't lose either."

"Come on!!"

At this moment, Quan Jiayun's worship group added some students from other classes. Under this exciting mood, they completely forgot the weight on their bodies and rushed towards the finish line excitedly.

Infected by this emotion, the other students also speeded up.

The instructors looked at the excited scene, and then looked at the girl unloading the heavy equipment, their eyes were complicated and trembling.

It seems to be just an ordinary running training.

But after the chasing battle of several top students, the meaning of this run is different.

She wins at such a speed that she completely crushes the top students, then her image in the hearts of many students will definitely be elevated.

In this way, it is impossible for her supporters to think about it.

How can the instructors not be shocked, how can they not feel complicated.

It took three months for the other top students to get the support of so many people, but it only took less than a week for her to get the support of so many people.

It's just horrible.

Her potential seems limitless.

No one can know which step she can make.

After all, she took a different path.

At this time, the instructors of other classes watched this scene, and couldn't help but said to instructor Luo with a bit of sourness: "You really picked up a treasure this time."

(End of this chapter)

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