Chapter 227
When Feng Lili heard this, she looked sharply at the girl diagonally opposite, without any intention of swallowing her anger.

"Someone? Is there anyone, Xia Ruolin, if you don't speak well, you can't speak, right! If you want to say something, I'll just say it straight, why beat around the bush, it's really annoying to be weird."

Xia Ruolin's complexion sank, she immediately glared at Feng Lili, and said sarcastically: "No matter how much you hate it, you don't hate it, you don't want to save some face for you, right, I mean, what's wrong with you, Young Master Gu pays attention What does that Quan Jiayun from the first grade want to do with you, and he wants to ask Gu Shao about his intentions, who do you think you are!!"

Feng Lili snorted and said: "I didn't think who I was. I asked what was wrong. I was scolded when I asked. It's none of your business. If you're envious, I'll just say it. Don't be jealous, be careful." Pink eye."

Xia Ruolin said disdainfully: "Huh? I'm jealous, why am I jealous of you, what are you worthy of my jealousy, it's really funny."

Feng Lili stretched out her hand to brush her wine-red hair, and smiled brightly and flamboyantly, "Of course I'm jealous that I'm prettier than you! Jealousy likes me more boys than you, jealous Gu Shao talks to me more than you. "

Feng Lili said, her tone changed sharply, "But it doesn't help if you are jealous. Even if you have plastic surgery ten times, you can't achieve my face."

Xia Ruolin, who was poked in the sore spot, immediately slapped the table and stood up, staring at Feng Lili angrily.

Feng Lili also stood up, looked at Xia Ruolin proudly and said, "Why, I'm so angry that I was poked in a sore spot!"

The scene became tense in an instant, and the other boys didn't dare to persuade them. After all, the two men had been at odds for a long time. They tried to persuade them before, but they were the ones who were unlucky, so they learned to be smart.

Xia Ruolin stared at Feng Lili's beautiful face, clasped her hanging hands tightly, then smiled and said: "Yes, I am not as good-looking as you, but it would be funny to say that I want to be jealous because of this, There are so many beautiful people in the world, I can't help being jealous, besides, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are, Young Master Gu doesn't like you."

This time it was Xia Ruolin who hit Feng Lili's sore spot.

However, on the surface, Feng Lili smiled calmly, "Why do I want Young Master Gu to like me? I'm just his follower. It's you who think about this every day, so you want Young Master Gu to like you." You must be crazy about it, but unfortunately, no matter how much you think about it, it’s useless, as for whether you are jealous or not, you know it in your heart, so you don’t need to be stubborn.”

Feng Lili wiped her mouth, didn't bother to pinch her, turned around and walked outside.

Xia Ruolin still didn't shut up, looked at her back and said with a sneer: "I don't know who is being stubborn, anyway, I am happy to see that Young Master Gu is so interested in a girl. As for some people, they are not happy." Well, I know it in my heart."

Hearing these words, Feng Lili walked out of the door without stopping.

Not happy, what is she unhappy about.

Young Master Gu's attention to Quan Jiayun may not be due to the love between a man and a woman, it may be more about solicitation!
Feng Lili put the matter aside and walked towards the teaching building with her friends.

When they arrived at the teaching building, Feng Lili saw Gu Yehui again.

At this time, he was sitting by the window sill, staring at a certain place with a smile in his eyes, as if he was looking at some treasure. Feng Lili followed his gaze and saw a few first-year students on the playground in the distance walking.

Feng Lili's heart moved, she took a closer look, and sure enough, she saw the face of Quan Jiayun among them.

At this moment, Feng Lili couldn't tell what kind of feeling she felt in her heart.

 Recommend a book, the title of which is "Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky: Cute Little Military Sister-in-law" Author: Qingqing Juzi Brief introduction, this is a military marriage pet article about the heroine chasing after the hero, and the hero's routine.


(End of this chapter)

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