Chapter 239
Bi Luo Pavilion, this is a store that sells materials for monsters. Its scale can be considered here, so there are many warriors coming and going. However, because there are no third-tier warriors, no one is aware of the power of the invisibility talisman. Jiayun.

Because he had already been here once before, Quan Jiayun entered the store with ease, and then quietly entered the warehouse of Bi Luo Pavilion with the staff.

Two staff members and a supervisor got busy there.

Standing there, Quan Jiayun spread out his spiritual sense and searched for many goods, but after scanning around, Quan Jiayun did not perceive the existence of the demon pill from this warehouse.


Quan Jiayun frowned slightly, and after the two staff members carried the goods out, they walked over to the steward who was also about to leave.

Two minutes later, the steward rubbed his head in a daze and looked around, but looking left and right, everything in the warehouse was normal. Just then, a voice called him came from outside, and the steward dropped his mind. This strange feeling went out.

After Quan Jiayun left Biluo Pavilion, he went straight to Luojia.

Judging from the information obtained by the manager, this Biluo Pavilion is the property of Luojia Luozhongtong. The reason why there are no demon pills in the warehouse is because all the purchased demon pills will be sent to Luojia immediately.

What it is for, the steward does not know.

On the way to Luojia, Quan Jiayun quickly called Shi Yifei in the car.

Shi Yifei had just walked into the hospital at this time, saw Quan Jiayun's phone call, and immediately picked it up, "Master, do you have any orders?"

When Quan Jiayun heard this name, he remembered that she hadn't told Shi Yifei her identity. Now that Shi Yifei was hers, it was impossible not to know her name all the time.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun said to Shi Yifei indifferently: "My surname is Quan."

Shi Yifei immediately understood, changed his address and asked, "Young Master Quan, what are your orders?"

Quan Jiayun didn't specifically identify her as a woman, she looked at Shi Yifei indifferently and asked: "Biluo Pavilion is the case of Luojia Luozhongtong Industry, do you know?"

Shi Yifei nodded hastily, "I know, but you didn't ask before, so I didn't say anything," at the end Shi Yifei carefully glanced at Quan Jiayun's face.

After what happened before, he was afraid of this young man.

Quan Jiayun didn't pursue the previous matter, but continued to ask: "Tell me everything you know about falling home."

When searching for the soul before, Quan Jiayun only selectively looked at Shi Yifei's torrent of memories, and it was impossible to write down all the information Shi Yifei knew in his mind. understand.

Shi Yifei quickly told all he knew.

"Nanzhong Luojia, in the city of Nanzhong, ranks around tenth. It can be regarded as a family that is more than enough than the next. The most famous family under its banner is the chain of Chinese medicine clinics opened by their family. It is said that it is very magical. Many Intractable diseases can be cured, I was sick once, and Mu Ming also went there once to find out the news, it really cured the disease with the medicine.”

"Because of this reason, many dignitaries from Nanzhong and other cities have gone to his house to ask for medicine, so his family's connections are quite strong. In addition, the Luo family is very mysterious and low-key, except for Luo Zhong who often shows up. Tong and the second lady from the Luo family, Luo Qingxin, the other Luo family members have never shown their faces in front of the public, so they don't know about his family's cultivation."

"In addition, it seems that many people don't know that the store in Biluoge is the property of their Luojia. Because Luojia has not publicized it, I didn't dare to mention it before."

"Okay, take a good look at it."

After Quan Jiayun hung up the phone, he conveniently transferred 1000 million to him, and attached a message, if you don't have enough money, you can ask her for it at any time.

Shi Yifei looked at the transfer information, his eyes were shining brightly, his dream was about to start sailing.

At this moment, Shi Yifei was sincerely grateful to this young master, and secretly swore in his heart that the so-called scholar died for his confidant, and he should do his best to make achievements to repay the respect of the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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