Chapter 254 My Luck
Quan Jiayun's words did not save Ye Hongyan any face.

Ye Hongyan had already made any psychological preparations before, so he didn't feel embarrassed when he heard Quan Jiayun's hurtful words.

Because what the other party said is the truth, she really has nothing to make the other party look at her differently now.

Ye Hongyan raised his head and said with a playful smile to Shangquan Jiayun: "I know, I really don't have anything to make you look at me differently now, I'm young and dull, but I'm not afraid of hardships, tiredness, or any difficulties. Work hard, I just ask you to give me a chance, I really really want to become stronger, and I will give everything for it.”

"I will definitely not make you regret your decision to accept me today. I will definitely make you look at me differently. You believe me."

When he said this, Ye Hongyan's eyes seemed to be burning with raging flames.

This bright light dazzled that not-so-pretty face.

Quan Jiayun is familiar with this kind of look, it is the recklessness that erupts when a person is unwilling to admit defeat to fate.

Such a person must have a reason in his heart to want to become stronger.

like revenge...

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth curved even wider.

She stretched out her slender fingers, touched Ye Hongyan's cheek, gently stroked her delicate skin, and said softly, "Give everything? Including your body?"

There was a bit of ambiguity in the smiling eyes.

Ye Hongyan's body trembled slightly when Quan Jiayun's hand touched it.

However, she soon relaxed, and she calmly looked directly at Quan Jiayun's smiling eyes and said, "Of course you can if you need it, but I know that you definitely don't like me. People like you, want to How many young and beautiful girls you want is just a matter of saying, I don't need a woman who has lost her life and gave birth to a child at all."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun snorted lightly in disdain, with a look of arrogance on his handsome face.

"What do you mean by broken flowers and broken willows? Is Feichu.zi just broken flowers and broken willows?"

"It's ridiculous. What are so many men who are not virgins? If you want to follow me, you'd better not have this self-deprecating cognition."

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes dangerously, and patted Ye Hongyan's cheek.

Ye Hongyan was completely shocked by what Quan Jiayun said. Although she had seen that this young man was definitely not that kind of lustful person before, she never thought that he would be so unobjectified to women.

Ye Hongyan was stunned for a moment, then, she looked at Quan Jiayun enthusiastically and said, "I know, I won't belittle myself so much anymore."

At this moment, Ye Hongyan became more determined in his choice.

And she was even smarter and said: "So, are you willing to accept me?"

Quan Jiayun withdrew his hand, looked at Ye Hongyan and said casually: "If you want to become stronger, there are many choices. There are many famous teachers in this world, so why bother to find me? Don't think I'm very good at dealing with a few first-order warriors." Great, that's because you are too ignorant."

"No, you are my best in my eyes."

No matter what Quan Jiayun said, Ye Hongyan believed in Quan Jiayun. She had never felt so strongly.

Perhaps it was because the aura of this young man was too different.

So even though she knew that the other party was younger than her, she still deeply believed in the other party's ability.

Quan Jiayun frowned upon hearing what Ye Hongyan said, "But I'm younger than you, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to call me master in front of others in the future?"

Hearing this, Ye Hongyan was overjoyed.

She was firm, looked at Quan Jiayun with burning eyes and replied: "No, it is my good fortune to have you as my teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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