The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 256 Chen Haixuan

Chapter 256 Chen Haixuan

Naturally, Quan Jiayun would not let Chen Xingyu embrace her. With a light step, she missed Chen Xingyu's embrace.

Chen Xingyu looked at the empty hand, and subconsciously glanced at Quan Jiayun, Quan Jiayun said calmly, "Forgive me, I don't like getting too close to people."

Chen Xingyu didn't think much about it, he withdrew his hand and touched his nose and said, "I was careless, let's go."

Quan Jiayun didn't have any objection to this.

Although she didn't follow the ancestors of the Luo family to watch the fun before, but now, now that she's here by accident, she's here too, so it's good to have a look.

Walking on the road, all the servants I met were dressed in uniform black and white maid outfits.

Seeing Chen Xingyu and Quan Jiayun, no matter what he was busy with, he stopped what he was doing and bowed his head to them.

Quan Jiayun smiled lightly.

With so many servants, it is quite enjoyable.

It's even more exaggerated when you enter the villa. Chen Xingyu's home is decorated in the style of a local tyrant at first glance.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth twitched slightly, she really couldn't like this style.

Quan Jiayun slid past the interior decorations in disgust, and followed Chen Xingyu upstairs.

In the corridor covered with high-grade carpets, several people were guarding outside.

Seeing Chen Xingyu coming, they all lowered their heads.

Chen Xingyu walked to the door and reached out to push the door.

One of the men in a tuxedo who was obviously dressed as a housekeeper looked at Quan Jiayun next to Chen Xingyu, and said to Chen Xingyu in a low voice: "Third Young Master, the master just explained that no one is allowed to disturb you right now, I'm afraid it's not suitable for this person to go in. "

"This is the person I found, you don't have to worry about it."

Chen Xingyu pushed open the door with one hand, and made a gesture of invitation to Quan Jiayun.


Quan Jiayun walked in calmly.

Steward Chen couldn't say anything more. Anyway, the master blamed the people brought back by the third young master, and the third young master would always stand up to them.

The world inside the door is a different scene. Compared with the luxurious local style before, this set of rooms has more elements.

In the room, several men and women were sitting on the sofa.

At a glance, all of them are warriors.

Especially one of the middle-aged men whose eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Chen Xingyu, Quan Jiayun can tell at a glance that the other party is a third-rank warrior, and the power of energy and blood in his body is quite majestic. Tier [-] warriors are different.

When Quan Jiayun looked over, Chen Haixuan's sharp gaze also fell on Quan Jiayun's face. He looked at Quan Jiayun and Chen Xingyu, and said in a deep voice, "Who is he? What are you bringing him in for?"

"Dad, he is a master I just met. He is super powerful and accurate in divination, so I invite him to have a look."

When everyone present heard Chen Xingyu's words, their eyes fell on the boy who was only eighteen years old and had a rather immature face, full of doubt and disdain, master? ?

"Third brother, you are still so naive. You can be fooled by others with just a few words. You are so old, you should grow your brains." The person who spoke was Chen Xingyu's eldest brother, Chen Xinghui.

It can be said that Chen Xingyu and Chen Xinghui have never been at odds, and when they heard this, they immediately turned back.

"It's you who make up your mind, have you been tricked that I'm sober than you?" As he spoke, Chen Xingyu looked towards the bedroom door and asked, "Master said that my sister will be rescued tonight, and that a man in white is here, isn't that so?" ?”

Hearing this, everyone's eyes on Quan Jiayun changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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