The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 269 Sign a Contract

Chapter 269 Sign a Contract

Facing the request of the little milk dragon, Quan Jiayun didn't even bat an eye, and agreed very readily.

"no problem."

Seeing that she agreed, the little milk dragon immediately grinned excitedly and happily as soon as her purple-black eyes lit up.

But as soon as this smile appeared, he might feel that this appearance was not majestic enough, so he immediately withdrew the smile on his face, and said with a chubby little face: "Since there is no problem, hurry up.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Don't rush me, if you want to hurry up, you can only see if you are worthy of cooperation, Xiao Hei. As long as you sign a contract with me, Xiao Hei, we will go out immediately."

The little milk dragon was furious when he heard this.

Contract, he knows this.

In his inheritance memory, signing a contract with a human is to respect that human being as the master, so his inheritance memory tells him that no matter what, he must never make a contract with a human being.

The majestic Ziyan Demon Dragon should be the master of the world, not someone else's mount.

So, he called himself king.

"Well, you brave human being, you actually want to trick me into being your mount, respecting you as the master, and see if I don't beat you to death." The little milk dragon drank, sprayed his mouth, and a huge black flash shot towards Quan instantly. Jiayun attacked and left.

This flash is like the lightning in the sky, it is infinitely fast, and it carries a huge amount of heat.

Apparently the flash was more like a black flame, but as fast as light.

If Quan Jiayun was not the owner of this mustard space, he would not be able to avoid this flash of light no matter what, even a third-tier warrior standing there would have nothing to do about it.

After Quan Jiayun teleported to dodge, he watched the distant black flash directly penetrate the huge protruding mountain in front of him, and after igniting all the trees in that area, he was once again amazed by the supernatural power of the little milk dragon .

This power is quite domineering.

It was only at a young age that he could produce such supernatural powers, which is worthy of being the ancient purple flame dragon.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't have time to appreciate this spectacular scene, because the little milk dragon puffed up his fleshy cheeks furiously when he missed a hit, obviously about to spray again.

Seeing this, Quan Jiayun hurriedly raised his hand and said: "Oh, my little ancestor, calm down, stop talking, and listen to me carefully, okay? I didn't lie to you, who said I want you Respect me as Lord."

The little milk dragon stared at a pair of purple-black vertical pupils and said: "You still want to quibble, you just said clearly that you asked the king to sign a contract with you."

Quan Jiayun nodded and said, "I did."

Then when the little milk dragon was about to get angry again, he continued the next sentence: "But the contract is not the only way, I didn't ask you to sign a master-servant contract with me, think about it, you are Imposing purple flame dragon, how dare I let you respect me as master, am I courting death?"

The little milk dragon was flattered by Quan Jiayun, and his mood suddenly changed again.

He raised his face and said, "Hmph, you still have self-knowledge."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "That's right, so don't be angry, listen to me that the contract is like this..."

Before Quan Jiayun finished speaking, he was interrupted by the little milk dragon.

"Needless to say, I know, you want to honor me as the king, right?"

Speaking of this, the little milk dragon looked at Quan Jiayun with disdain and said: "Although you are weak and ugly, cunning and hateful, if you can sincerely swear that you will be my king, then it is not impossible for this king to accept you."

Seeing the little milk dragon's reluctance, Quan Jiayun really wanted to touch the little milk dragon's head.

Of course, Quan Jiayun couldn't touch it.

So Quan Jiayun just smiled and said: "Xiao Hei Hei, you think too much, this is impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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