The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 271 Really want to agree?

Chapter 271 Really want to agree?

Quan Jiayun looked at Shang Xiaonailong's eyes and explained: "The symbiotic contract is an equal contractual relationship. There is no question of who is the master and who is the servant. It is an equal relationship."

The little milk dragon blinked, equal contract, this sounds good.

But the word symbiosis sounds wrong.

This time, the little milk dragon stared at Quan Jiayun very vigilantly and said, "What do you mean by symbiosis?"

Quan Jiayun said: "This is very simple. As the name suggests, it means that we can only live together. If I die, you can't live, and if you die, I can't live either."

The little milk dragon was not happy when he heard this.

He looked at Quan Jiayun contemptuously and said: "You are so weak now, you still want me to sign a symbiosis contract with you. If you die accidentally, then I will die with you."

"Don't do it, don't do it."

The little milk dragon shook like a rattle.

Quan Jiayun replied with a smile: "Isn't it because you protect me, you are so powerful, isn't it a trivial matter to protect me?"

Xiaonailong was happy again after being praised by Quan Jiayun.

If he is still in his original form, his tail will probably be proudly raised to the sky.

He tried his best to endure the joy, raised his chin and said, "Don't think that this king will be happy if you say that. In short, this king will not agree. You are so weak. In order to protect you from death, then this king has to pay you back!" Stay with you every day."

Quan Jiayun squinted his eyes and chuckled lightly, with an unremarkable expression on his face.

"I was hunted down by monks in the transformation stage. Do you think I need you to protect me every day? This mustard space is my umbrella."

The little milk dragon thinks so, she has this mustard seed space, and if she encounters any danger, she will be fine as soon as she hides in.

And this human being is so cunning, so many people came in last time, she was left alive and became the master of the mustard space, so she definitely wouldn't die so quickly.

Seeing that the little milk dragon was shaken, Quan Jiayun added fuel to the fire.

"Don't worry, after you go out, you can do whatever you want. You don't need to stay by my side. I just need you to hunt down a hundred third-order monsters for me after you go out. Give you the flesh and blood, and give me the demon pill."

This is the most important purpose of Quan Jiayun looking for Xiaonailong at this time.

She wanted the demon pill, but with her current ability, she couldn't hunt the third-tier monsters in the wilderness area, so when she thought of him, she immediately made up her mind.

As for this little milk dragon, she had thought about contracting it when she was still in the soul state, but it was not suitable at the time, so she never mentioned it except for teasing the little milk dragon sometimes during those months. This issue.

But now is different, it is the time to use him.

The little milk dragon was in a good mood when he heard the previous words, but when he heard the latter words, he immediately opened his eyes wide, "What do you mean by this king, and you want this king to hunt and kill monsters for you? Are you calling this king?" Don’t you think that this king is so easy to deceive.”

Quan Jiayun blinked, and said righteously: "I am not ordering you, this is the reward you should give me. For you, you have been here since you were born. This is considered to be in prison. Now, I Shouldn't you be paying me for getting you out of prison?"


Listening to what she said, the little milk dragon suddenly lost his arrogance.

It seems so.

The little milk dragon's eyes rolled round and round. Could it be that he really wants to promise her?

(End of this chapter)

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