The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 273 Will Not Surrender

Chapter 273 Will Not Surrender
Quan Jiayun was not annoyed when he heard this answer, he still smiled, "Xiao Hei Hei, you have to think clearly, if you refuse, I won't be able to let you out."

When the little milk dragon heard about this, he stared at Quan Jiayun angrily, showing two sharp little canine teeth.

Ahhhh, this human being is really disgusting, and he keeps threatening him with this.

But his majestic Dragon Clan will not yield.

The little milk dragon clenched its small fists, staring at the girl's chubby little face proudly upturned.

"Hmph, what's the fun out there, you think you can threaten me with this, but I tell you, it's useless."

"If you don't go out, you won't go out."

"But if I don't go out, don't think about it. This king will kill all the monsters in your small world, and turn your world upside down."

The more the little milk dragon talked, the more proud he became.

That's right, why didn't he think of it before, he ruined this small world for her, it's up to her to let her go.

Quan Jiayun smiled when he heard the threat from the little milk dragon.

How naive to threaten her with this.

She reached out her hand to brush the hair that was blown by the river wind, and with a friendly smile on her lips, she looked at the little milk dragon and said, "You can do whatever you want, anyway, I am not the one who feeds on these monsters, they are all dead." Now, I won’t be the one who will be hungry by then.”

The little milk dragon's smug smile froze for an instant.

Quan Jiayun looked at the dumbfounded little milk dragon, and continued with a smile: "Xiao Hei Hei, you must do what you say, and kill all these monsters, but not all of them. , you are no longer a dragon, but a little snake who doesn’t count.”

The little milk dragon stared at Quan Jiayun dumbfounded.

The next second, he jumped and said angrily, "You are the little snake."

The little milk dragon attacked Quan Jiayun again, and Quan Jiayun laughed and walked away in an instant.

The little milk dragon who lost his target could only vent his anger in the surrounding forest.

"Ah, ah, you hateful human being, next time this king catches you, I will definitely trample you into meatloaf, no, meat sauce."

Hearing the deafening loud noise, Quan Jiayun clicked his tongue lightly.

This little temper tantrum.

It seems that it will take some effort to get this little milk dragon.

In fact, Quan Jiayun still has another way to deal with Xiaonailong now, and that is an equal contract.

That is the simplest kind of contract besides the master-servant contract and the symbiosis contract.

There are no redundant conditions in this kind of equal contract, except that they must not harm each other.

But because the contract model is too simple, when one party's cultivation base is much higher than the other party's cultivation base, the contract can be unilaterally terminated, so Quan Jiayun will not choose this one.

She likes everything to be under her control.

She doesn't like things that are out of her control.

Quan Jiayun took a look outside through the small world, and there was still some distance away from the mountain city.

With a flash of her figure, she found Lei Yi who was practicing at the foot of the mountain.

Lei Yi was stunned by the terrifying cry that rang out again, when he saw Quan Jiayun appearing, he immediately bowed his head respectfully.


Quan Jiayun glanced at him and grabbed his clothes.

In the next second, both of them disappeared at the foot of the mountain.

When they reappeared, the two were in a large hall, Lei Yi looked at the hall with golden court and jade pillars, his eyes flickered slightly.

Quan Jiayun let go of his hand, sat down lazily on the white jade chair, looked at him and said, "The dragon may go crazy these few days, you just stay here and practice, don't go out."

 Continue to recommend Wenwen to you, a different fast travel.Title: "Quick time travel project: teasing a male god is a wraith"

  Pen name: Xiaobaoqi
  Introduction: There is a mysterious organization circulating in the anecdotal circle: there is a black shop.

  It is said that as long as you are willing to pay the price, all your wishes can be fulfilled here!

  It is said that it also provides a series of illegal services such as murder and arson, robbing wealth and sex, and harming nature and justice...

  "Welcome to a black shop, here, you can get anything you want, and you will lose everything you own..."


(End of this chapter)

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