The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 279 The So-called Jealousy

Chapter 279 The So-called Jealousy
"Yeah, I used to eat with Xiao Shao and the others after class and after class. They looked very close. I thought the two of them were dating, but in the end, they secretly hooked up with Gu Shao, who was in the third grade. Yes, kiss me outside in the middle of the night, hehe, it's really eye-opening."

"I'm not surprised. You just didn't see her true nature. She's the kind of person who orders food when she sees people. You see, she used to cling to He Zhenghao every day when she had an ugly face, but she turned out to be a bit capable, so she didn't like her." He Zhenghao, blinded He Zhenghao mercilessly and went to hook up with Young Master Xiao. After climbing up to Young Master Xiao, he didn't know how to hook up with Young Master Gu. Just wait and see, after today, she will have to hook up with Young Master Xiao. They swung away."

"Does she need to dump her? It's no wonder that Young Master Xiao still talks to her today."

"Young Master Xiao is out of the sea of ​​suffering this time, but when will Young Master Gu see her true face clearly!"

"What do you think Young Master Gu is looking for in her? Isn't he very picky? I heard that I haven't had a girlfriend in the past few years. How could I hook up with her? I really can't figure it out. What's wrong with the boy, what's so good about her!! Although she has a bit of talent after her face is healed, it's not perfect. None of the girls that Gu Shaotian follows is prettier than her. "

"Yeah, her supporters still call her the queen, isn't she just a female whore? I think I'm handsome when I cut my hair short and have a neutral style. In fact, I'm not a man or a woman. Ugly, and the heart is so ugly So vicious."

"The face is born from the heart, that's why she was so ugly before. You said, why are these boys so forgetful? Her acne face before made people look at it for a few days and didn't want to eat. It's better now." , who knows if it will grow again by then!"

"Don't tell me, I suspect that her face has been rectified. The serious acne is fine. How can it disappear in two or three days, and it is still so smooth and delicate. It must be when she is not in class. It's over."

"I've been suspicious for a long time, but even if it's done, others will not admit it, and they will say that we are jealous of her."

"Jealousy, whoever is jealous of her will look down on people like her, create a set of exercises by herself, and her tail will go up to the sky, no one will pay attention to it, just wait, she won't be proud for long, sooner or later One day she'll fall badly and be trampled into the dirt, not even worthy of dust."

Amid such criticism, Quan Jiayun's supporters could no longer sit still.

Especially Ji Ruohua and others.

They rolled up their sleeves and went to someone else's dining table, and slammed the table violently, "What are you talking about, you ugly bastards, go take a picture of your ugly face, even you dare to say Sister Yun."

"Tell me what's wrong with her, why don't people tell me that she did such a thing?"

"What did you do? It's none of your business which man the Queen dated, Baba, you're just jealous that they didn't take a fancy to you, but with your ugly appearance, who would take a look at you?"

"Jealousy, funny, who is jealous of her, jealous of her being so good at hooking up men? Listen clearly, I don't like her, I don't like such vicious and volatile girls."

In the huge cafeteria, a group of students were arguing because of this incident, while a group of students watched the play coldly, it was quite lively.

It was at this time that Quan Jiayun came to the cafeteria, and Xiao Tianhao and others were beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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