Chapter 282

For them, yes, what Quan Jiayun said was completely a dream they could not even imagine.

After all, in today's society, men are still stronger than women.

Although girls can practice like boys, but in the end, they are still mostly strong men, and women account for less than half of the hundreds of Tier [-] warriors around the world.

Therefore, women subconsciously still value men more.

They admire strong boys, and then unconsciously have a desire to compete for favor.

If another girl was invited by Gu Shao today, this girl must have a sense of superiority over others, and this sense of superiority only comes from her being liked by Gu Shao.

But if so, what day will Young Master Gu not like her? ?What advantage does she have?

But now, Quan Jiayun showed another attitude. She didn't take a little close relationship with Gu Shao as a sense of superiority at all, but expressed her own wishes forcefully.

She said that non-top players in the world should not be in her eyes.

She said it was she who picked the man, not the man who picked her.

How domineering, what arrogance.

That is really a well-deserved aura of a queen, people can't help but want to submit, want to worship, some girls who worshiped Quan Jiayun in the first place, are trembling with excitement at this time, and their eyes are boundless with fanaticism.

Looking at Quan Jiayun like this, Xiao Tianhao felt as if his heart was being tightly grasped, and the blood all over his body was boiling.

He couldn't move his eyes away, he could only look at her burningly.

The world's top powerhouse?

In fact, Quan Jiayun still has a subtext that she didn't say out loud, all the people in this world are just stepping stones for her to reach the top.

Man, what is that.

Love, what is that.

To be strong, to be strong, to be respected by everyone.

Quan Jiayun looked at the crowd proudly and said: "Okay, I have already explained the matter to you. If you have any opinions on me, Quan Jiayun, I welcome you to speak in front of me."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to talk behind your back, as long as you have the confidence not to be heard by me, but what will happen if you are heard by me..."

Having said that, Quan Jiayun smiled lightly.

The next second, she waved her hand, and a ball of fire fell on the head of another girl who called her a whore just now. In an instant, that girl's hair burst into flames.

The girl jumped up from the stool with a terrified expression on her face. When the others saw this scene, their eyes widened. At this moment, they suddenly remembered that Quan Jiayun could still use spells.

"Ahhhh... help me put out the fire..." The girl patted her hair vigorously, and someone next to her immediately poured soup on the girl's hair, but it was useless. The fire grew stronger and burned to the girl's head whole body.

"Ahhh...water..." The girl panicked and ran to the place where she washed her hands.

At this time, no one dared to step forward to help. They were afraid of being caught in the fire, so they all backed away, looking at the person who soon became a fireball with a look of horror on their faces.

Someone screamed, "Go and call the instructor, Quan Jiayun has killed someone."

"Kill, who said I killed."

Quan Jiayun waved his hand shyly, and immediately, a water dragon fell on the girl's body, plopping... The girl was completely drenched, and the flames all over her body were naturally extinguished.

But at this moment, the girl at Hou was in a terrible state of embarrassment, drenched all over, like a drowned rat.

(End of this chapter)

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