The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 288 Molesting Again

Chapter 288 Molesting Again

Si Chengtian strode on the playground, his handsome face didn't show much expression, just like the cold sculpture at the school gate. Behind him, several school leaders followed anxiously.

Although I received the news that General Si was coming early in the morning.

However, the few people didn't know why General Si came here, so they naturally felt uneasy.

Especially with General Si's aura so strong, it was really stressful to follow him.

Suddenly, Si Chengtian seemed to feel something and looked at the dark heads on the other side of the teaching building. This side of the head immediately caused a large number of students to scream.

"Ahhh, the general is here."

"Get out of the way, don't block the general from looking at me."

The students screamed excitedly, and at a glance, Si Chengtian saw the girl holding her face and smiling brightly among the crowd of people.

Seeing him looking over, Quan Jiayun deliberately poked out the tip of her tongue, brushed her upper lip lightly, and then gave him a wicked smile.

With that smirk on his face, this action is extremely confusing.

When Quan Jiayun made this movement, Si Chengtian's eyes darkened, his expression became more serious, as if he saw something indecent, and he immediately looked away.


Quan Jiayun watched this scene, patted the window sill and laughed out loud.

That hearty laughter made the people around him look sideways, especially Xiao Tianhao's mood suddenly became a little bit subtle. Was she in such a good mood when she saw General Si?

Amidst Quan Jiayun's loud laughter, the girls at the other windows screamed excitedly, "Ahhhhhhh, the general must have been looking at me just now, I think my eyes met his eyes!!"

"It's obviously looking at me, you pay attention to his gaze, it's obviously coming towards me."

Some boys refused to admit defeat and shouted: "You girls, stop arguing, the general is clearly watching me."

When the students were still arguing over who the general was looking at, Si Chengtian had already disappeared from everyone's sight, so the topic changed naturally.

"Tell me, what is General Si doing at the school now? Except for the opening ceremony, the general has never been to school, right?"

"Yeah, I don't know what happened."

"Wait, is it for the matter of practicing qigong?"

Having said that, all the students looked at Quan Jiayun in unison. Seeing them looking over, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows slightly.

So the students fell silent.

In the next second, all the students changed the topic tacitly.

Just when all the teachers and students in the school were guessing where General Si was supposed to come from, the school's radio sounded a school announcement, informing all the teachers and students in the school to go to the school's auditorium.

The school's auditorium is a large auditorium that can accommodate thousands of people. Generally, it is only open for the opening ceremony and graduation ceremony, and when the school has important events.

When the students heard the announcement, they all went to the auditorium with great interest.

For them, no matter why the general came, it was an honor to meet him.

In the auditorium, students in military school uniforms quickly filled most of the space in an orderly and disciplined manner. Except for the fourth grade students who could not be there because they went to the wilderness area for training, all the first to third grade students arrived Done.

When this group of energetic teenagers and girls are all gathered together, the whole picture is quite spectacular.

The students stared at the stage with burning eyes, looking forward to the appearance of that figure.

They didn't wait too long. After 1 minute, Si Chengtian in a neat military uniform came out from the backstage. All the students in the school stared at the most distinguished man in the sixth district.

(End of this chapter)

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