Chapter 296
When Xu Xihua heard Quan Jiayun's narration, his eyes with single eyelids widened. If it weren't for the presence of the general and the principal, Xu Xihua almost impulsively wanted to tear Quan Jiayun's mouth open.

However, at this time, she dared not.

She turned her head to look at General Si eagerly, her lips trembling a little.

"General, what happened is indeed as she said. I urged her to go to class and grabbed her by the shoulder, but that was also because she was too arrogant."

"In short, what she said was only superficial, and she completely concealed her bad attitude. The point of attacking me is definitely not a headache or a pretense. I wouldn't dare to lie about this kind of thing. It's true. What she did to me made me suffer so much."

"General, please trust me."

In a hurry, Xu Xihua forgot his duty and wanted to pull Si Chengtian's arm.

Si Chengtian straddled his long legs to the side and avoided it.

Xu Xihua grabbed an empty hand, and suddenly staggered.

She looked up at Si Chengtian's indifferent profile, and naturally she didn't dare to complain, she just repeated again: "General, I am definitely not lying or slandering, please be clear."

Xu Xihua looked very sincere.

Not a trace of the mood of a liar can be found at all.

On the contrary, because of her restlessness, it can be seen that she was indeed quite frightened.

Quan Jiayun also looked at Si Chengtian calmly and said, "General, please learn from me."

Faced with this situation, Principal Zhang and other school leaders naturally did not dare to jump to conclusions. After all, the general standing here must be the general making the decision.

Everyone looked at Si Chengtian.

At this moment, Han Shaoqin who was standing aside spoke.

"General, please allow me to say a few words."

All eyes turned to the adjutant next to Si Chengtian.

Si Chengtian agreed to Han Shaoqin's request.


Han Shaoqin faced everyone's gaze calmly, and said: "I dare not jump to conclusions whether this student attacked the dean, but after the two people's remarks, there is no doubt about one thing now, that is, the dean attacked him in his private time. Interfering with the freedom of the students. In addition, the provost is also overstepping. Whether the general is busy or not, whether to see this student is not up to the provost. This kind of behavior can be said to be a false military order in the military department. , is a felony."

Han Shaoqin bit down on the word felony.

Xu Xihua's face turned pale when he heard this.

She opened her eyes and looked at General Si, the adjutant, with a bloodless face.

The adjutant's words meant both inside and outside, obviously accusing her and defending Quan Jiayun. If General Si's adjutants think so, how will General Si make a decision?

When Principal Zhang and the others heard Han Shaoqin's words, their hearts skipped a beat.

Only Quan Jiayun had a strange light in his eyes, this adjutant is quite interesting.

Han Shaoqin looked sideways and gave Si Chengtian a standard military salute.

"General, I'm done."

Han Shaoqin put down his hands and stopped speaking, but secretly sighed inwardly.

No matter what the general thinks in his heart, he has to take care of this student. After all, she is a girl who can touch the general's emotions. He has been with the general for so many years, but he has never seen such a person.

As an adjutant, he naturally had to be considerate.

After Han Shaoqin put down his hand, everyone's eyes turned back to Si Chengtian.

Xu Xihua looked at Si Chengtian even more eagerly. In contrast, Quan Jiayun was much calmer, and his dark eyes just looked at Si Chengtian steadfastly.

 The comment area has been a bit noisy recently, so I will summarize it here.

  Regarding the three views of the heroine, others treat the heroine very well, and the heroine returns [-] points or more. Others treat the heroine as bad, and the heroine may return [-] points. These are the three views of the heroine.

  The heroine once had an inner monologue that her attitude towards others depends on how others treat her. This is the heroine's statement.

  So, if you feel that you don’t agree with the three views of a heroine like this, let’s not force it. The heroines you need are everywhere, so you don’t have to force them here.

  Regarding the heroine, I have already said before that the story of the heroine in this book is mainly based on the face-slapping and refreshing text, supplemented by feelings. Isn’t it interesting to be the heroine? After all, you don’t know who you’re with if you don’t go to the end in reality, right? I can only say that with the character of the heroine, it’s very difficult to impress her. She couldn't be in love with a man anytime soon.

  Finally, thank you readers who have always supported me.

(End of this chapter)

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