Chapter 301

Quan Jiayun didn't care about the thoughts of these students at all. When it was time to eat, to her, the big things were not as important as filling her stomach. As for Xu Xihua, she even left her behind.

After eating, while the aura was still in his body, Quan Jiayun went back to the dormitory to practice.

In the afternoon, when the class started, the qigong method officially started. As a brand new supplementary course, the qigong method was not explained by the instructor, and the instructor was only responsible for explaining the lesson in a straightforward manner.

The first course is the method of opening the spiritual veins of human beings.

Before the barbaric period, human beings were unable to cultivate. Faced with the vast spiritual energy in the world, human beings were sitting on a treasure mountain, but they didn't know how to use it, and they couldn't find a way to absorb it.

But since ancient times, human beings have no shortage of talented and intelligent people.

There are always new things being invented and created, and the opening of the spirit pulse comes from this.

Opening the spiritual vein is to build a bridge to communicate with the spiritual energy on the human body, so that human beings can get in touch with the spiritual energy.

With the bridge of spiritual veins, human beings can cultivate, draw qi into the body, and take possession of the aura between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the more spiritual veins, the better.

Because it is obvious that there are more spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy absorbed at the same time is more than others.

But at most it will not exceed nine. Nine is the limit and the best, while one spiritual vein is the worst. Basically, if only one spiritual vein is opened, there will be no chance of immortality.

How much the spiritual veins open depends on a person's understanding and willpower.

Comprehension is easy to understand, just like when you were in school, some people are smart and listen casually in class, and they are academic masters, while some people are the worst no matter how hard they work before and after class.

This is the difference in understanding between people.

Even if some people are not reconciled, this cannot be changed.

Willpower is a pure test of a person's ability to bear, because the process of enlightening the spirit is quite painful, since it is against the sky, how can it be easy for you to go through it.

If you have a high level of comprehension and can persevere until the end, then it is very likely that you will open up nine spiritual veins.

If you don't have high understanding and willpower, then it is very likely that you won't be able to open a single spiritual vein.

All the students listened to the instructor's talk about the method of opening the spirit, and the more they listened, the more they admired it.

While admiring, they couldn't help but think, did Quan Jiayun really come up with such an idea?

Naturally, Quan Jiayun didn't come up with the method of enlightening the spirit, she just took the results of her predecessors and gave it directly.

But the method of introducing qi into the body, except for the part completed by Quan Jiayun, was really thought up by the original sovereign Jiayun, although this kind of qi training method is only the lowest and simplest in the cultivation world The cultivation method, but that is also the achievement of the original owner.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun snatched the credit from He Zhenghao.

Although she doesn't care about this honor, what should belong to the original owner belongs to the original owner, and no one can take it away.

If it weren't for this, Quan Jiayun would not have taken the initiative to reveal the methods of enlightening spirits and qigong exercises to the public. Therefore, all the students at this moment can be said to have been honored by the original sovereign Jiayun.

These exercises are all true, but whether one can draw Qi into the body on the earth where the spiritual energy is thin or not depends on whether the individual has the ability.

Quan Jiayun was not very concerned about this.

She continued to lie there to catch up on sleep, because at night, she basically practiced all night, so during the day, if she had time to catch up on sleep, she would try her best to catch up on sleep.

While Xiao Tianhao was listening carefully, he glanced sideways at her.

At this glance, she frowned slightly because of the sunlight shining on her face, as if disturbed by the sunlight, and she didn't sleep very comfortably.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tianhao turned his head and took a look at the sun that would shine brightly. He turned his body slightly and used his body to cover the sun for her.

 Send it at three o'clock, please ask for a ticket... I saw some people say that I can't understand whether I am the future or the ancient times. This is obviously a world of imagining the future. It may be because the word "general" has an ancient flavor, which makes people feel the illusion. But this general is a five-star general, also known as the commander of the army. In short, I will slowly show you this world.

(End of this chapter)

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