The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 306 Provocation

Chapter 306 Provocation
In fact, Quan Jiayun really gave Mo Xinshen a chance to survive, but the other party did not seize this opportunity.

Do you want to live if you want to lay hands on your parents? ?

What an international joke.

Quan Jiayun appreciates vicious people, but it doesn't mean she appreciates people who can attack her parents.

If Mo Xinshen can really insist on not choosing his parents and would rather die by himself, then that is Mo Xinshen's way of life.

Unfortunately, Mo Xinxin made a mistake in this multiple-choice question.

Mo Xinshen watched Quan Jiayun's back until it disappeared and disappeared, only then did ferocious hatred appear in those eyes.

Today, Quan Jiayun forced her to make the decision to kill her mother.

In the future, she will definitely return this humiliation to Quan Jiayun.


When Quan Jiayun arrived at the cafeteria, Xiao Tianhao and others had already started eating there.

Quan Jiayun went to cook on his own, of course, it's not that no one is willing to help Quan Jiayun cook, but that Quan Jiayun likes to come by himself.

The school does not treat students badly in terms of food. Every morning is quite rich, and it can be said to be richer than noon. Therefore, Quan Jiayun likes to choose by herself, because her taste is not static, what to eat depends on the mood at that time .

Because Quan Jiayun came late, there were not many students queuing up.

Quan Jiayun walked to the first window sill, looked at the several dishes inside, and just said a green word.

At this moment, another boy came up, followed her word, and reported the dish Quan Jiayun wanted to order ahead of her.

"Green pepper shredded pork burrito, master, this is all, I want the rest."

The boy didn't look at Quan Jiayun who was next to him, and took the rest as a matter of course.

Quan Jiayun glanced sideways at the visitor.

The other party was a tall boy with a crew cut and looked quite energetic. Although his face was not very handsome, he had thick eyebrows and big eyes, not the kind of treacherous eyes of a treacherous person.

With just one glance, Quan Jiayun was sure that he was not a student in their class.

The other party didn't look at Quan Jiayun, but only stared at the master inside.

Seeing this situation, the chef on the window sill subconsciously glanced at Quan Jiayun. As the resident staff of the cafeteria, they were aware of the commotion this girl caused in the cafeteria these days.

This girl is quite ruthless when she strikes.

So, the master looked at the boy and said, "There are six more here. Let me see you two, three each, how about it?"

Unexpectedly, the boy didn't appreciate the master's kindness at all. He glared at the master bluntly and scolded: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? I want all of it. Didn't you hear me?"

Even though he was reprimanded like this, the master still didn't do it right away, but looked at Quan Jiayun with some caution.


Quan Jiayun didn't force it, she smiled at the master calmly.

"Give it to him." With that said, Quan Jiayun walked to the next window sill.

But just when she was about to order, the boy followed him again, and in the same way, he rushed to the front and swept away the dishes Quan Jiayun wanted to order.

If it's just one time, it can still be said to be just a coincidence.

But if there is one and then there are two, then it is provocative to be blatant.

provoke her?
To provoke her so blatantly, he obviously wanted to see her have a seizure.

This can be interesting.

At this time, rather than being unhappy and being offended, Quan Jiayun was aroused a little bit of interest, just like seeing a slightly interesting clown.

She glanced at the boy with a half-smile, but didn't have an attack, but continued to walk to the next window sill.

(End of this chapter)

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