The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 308 Let me get up

Chapter 308 Let me get up
Regarding this, Quan Jiayun hadn't made a statement yet, and Jiang Yuyu and Jiao Zhuoren, who were opposite to each other, winked and showed mean smiles as if they were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Jiao Zhuoren deliberately picked up a small steamed bun, sent it to Jiang Yuyu, and said warmly, "Yuyu, come, try this crab roe bun."

Jiang Yuyu opened his mouth cooperatively, and bit down the bun Jiao Zhuoren gave him in one bite.

Then he chewed with a satisfied face, "Mmm... delicious!"

After swallowing his throat, Jiang Yuyu said with frowned eyebrows: "I wonder if Brother Ren fed it, it tastes better."

Jiao Zhuoren picked one up again and said, "If it tastes good, eat more, come on..."

Xiao Tianhao looked at the pretentious gestures of the two, and for some reason he didn't directly scold them as before, but glanced at Quan Jiayun's side face.

Quan Jiayun watched the performance of the two with great interest, and said lightly: "Yes, the two of you seem to have attracted a lot of Xipi fans at that moment just now, well, I seem to have heard something, the romantic ruffian Gonghe An innocent and lovely combination."

When Jiang Yuyu and Jiao Zhuoren heard this, they both showed a cold expression, and they didn't pretend anymore.

Jiang Yuyu's hair exploded immediately, his eyes were wide open, "Fuck, who is so innocent and cute, although I don't look as manly as Ying Rui, but I have enough masculinity, do you want to die?"

However, Jiang Yuyu's words with a pretty baby face were completely unconvincing.

He is 16 years old, and he is much younger than his peers. With slightly curly brown hair, he looks like a real gentleman.

Facing his hair blowing, the girls who watched this scene from a distance all made cute voices and wanted to raise one. If Jiang Yuyu heard this, it would probably cause another big explosion.

However, the current topic is being diverted by Quan Jiayun.

Xiao Tianhao saw that she was not affected at all, and he couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in, he just had a feeling that it was true.

Just when the few people were joking and chatting as usual, as if they had forgotten the previous episode, Huang Jianbo came over with two dinner plates full of food. He didn't go anywhere else, but walked directly to Quan Jiayun in front of.

Then, he put the two dinner plates on the table, looked down at Quan Jiayun and said, "Get up, I want to sit here."


As soon as Huang Jianbo's words came out, the students at the surrounding tables stopped talking.

The area immediately fell silent, and the atmosphere instantly became a little tense.

Xiao Tianhao, Jiang Yuyu, Jiao Zhuoren, Ying Rui and the others all raised their heads to look at this boy, their eyes were somewhat unkind, especially Xiao Tianhao's eyes were as cold as a knife.

Under such circumstances, Huang Jianbo still stood firmly, completely ignoring the very threatening eyes of several people, and said to Quan Jiayun again: "I want to sit here and let you get up, don't you hear me?"

This is so arrogant.

The students next to him who heard these words broke into cold sweats for this man.

It's too much to provoke Quan Jiayun like this, even if he is not afraid of death, he shouldn't come to Quan Jiayun, right? Quan Jiayun is really not easy to provoke.

At that time, he will be dead to nothing.

Everyone felt sorry for that person.

Quan Jiayun swallowed the food in his throat, took another sip of milk, then slowly raised his eyelids, and looked at the boy in front of him, with a smile in his eyes and a playful tone of voice.

"Let me get up?"

 Good noon, there are two more in the evening, okay, don’t forget to recommend me


(End of this chapter)

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