The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 313 Revenge for Ye Xinyun

Chapter 313 Revenge for Ye Xinyun
Quan Jiayun had a leisurely look on her face, as if she didn't fight with someone just now, but just stretched herself.

She looked down at Huang Jianbo, her dark eyes sparkling.

She said in a soft tone: "Why do you force me to take action with such good intentions? Do you think you have the ability to destroy me? But you are so good, the person who encouraged you can't be so stupid, right? What exactly is it for?"

Quan Jiayun rubbed his chin with one finger, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Um...let me think about it."

On the ground, Huang Jianbo's face was not pale, but as red as blood.

Seeing Quan Jiayun looking like he was about to think deeply, he pushed Quan Jiayun with a red face, with ferocious hatred on his face, "Don't think about it, I came here by myself to avenge my sweetheart Ye Xinyun. "

Huang Jianbo said hoarsely: "Do you know how much you have caused Ye Xinyun to suffer? She is so beautiful and such a promising girl. You ruined her hands and feet. If you just broke it, it's okay. A chance to save."

"But you, how ruthless you are, you pulverized her bones into ashes, even if the Daluo god is alive, she can't save her hands and feet. She can only amputate her limbs and replace them with mechanical ones, but the mechanical ones How can your hands and feet compare to your own, you abolished her, and you made her no longer have the chance to become a second-order warrior."

"And what did she do? She just became your opponent in the fighting quiz. Yes, she provoked you, but she was willing to admit defeat when you won. Never give her a chance."

"A person with such a vicious heart like you deserves to be alone? After a person like you becomes the chief, do you think about the students with your heart?"

"No, you won't, you are a ruthless person, everyone is just a stepping stone for you, you will only use all the students, and then once we are worthless, you will abandon us without hesitation us."

"So, I want to knock you down, I want to avenge Ye Xinyun, I want everyone to see your ugly face..."

Huang Jianbo tried his best to accuse Quan Jiayun of his crimes in a hoarse voice. Before he could finish speaking, another mouthful of thick and colorful blood spewed out.

That miserable look.

That deafening voice made some neutral students feel a little chilly in their hearts.

The way they looked at Quan Jiayun changed, and those students who didn't support Quan Jiayun in the first place raised the corners of their mouths even more sarcastically when they saw this scene.

Only the student who supported Quan Jiayun was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly: "Nonsense, you don't want to turn right and wrong here. Everyone in the class that day was present, and everyone saw what happened."

"That's right, what is Ye Xinyun? It was just a provocation. Sister Yun had already conceded defeat, and she didn't even want to fight her. She and her admirers forced Sister Yun to take action. If it wasn't for her own death, how could she be beaten?" Be like that, besides, on the fighting ring, as long as you don't admit defeat, it's in compliance with the rules to be beaten. It's because she didn't admit defeat in time, so why blame Sister Yun? Just based on this, why do you Sister Pengyun is ruthless and ungrateful."

"Yes, Sister Yun is very kind to us, she doesn't just use it and throw it away." The person who made the sound was Quan Jiayun's roommate.

There are many more to chime in.

Quan Jiayun sealed his mouth with his finger and stopped the next voice.

(End of this chapter)

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