Chapter 317
Oh, sorry.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth, when he smiled casually.

Instructor Zhou walked into the classroom, walked straight in front of Quan Jiayun, looked down at this arrogant girl, and said in a deep voice, "Now, what else do you have to say?"

Quan Jiayun put down the hand supporting his cheeks, leaned back, folded his hands around his chest, and there was no trace of panic on his delicate face.

She just looked at Instructor Zhou quietly and said, "Yes, let your students explain why they slandered me and said that I killed people. Where is the evidence?"

The boy whose finger was broken before said immediately, "Evidence, do you need any more evidence? Almost all the first-year students in the cafeteria saw how you beat Huang Jianbo."

Quan Jiayun nodded his head and admitted without any hesitation.

"Yes, I beat him, nothing wrong." At this point, she changed her voice and looked at all the onlookers with a playful look.

"But, who saw me beat him to death? Huh?"

Wherever Quan Jiayun's line of sight swept, everyone was quiet.

Because Huang Jianbo was indeed alive at that time.

In the next second, Xiao Tianhao also spoke.

He looked at Zhou Yunjing with piercing eyes and said, "Instructor Zhou, I was also at the scene at that time, and I didn't see such a thing as beating someone to death. When Huang Jianbo left, he was still fine. This is obvious to all."

After Xiao Tianhao said this, Jiang Yuyu immediately continued: "I saw it too, and I testify that Sister Yun did not kill that Huang Jianbo."

"I also testify."

In an instant, one after another was the voice of helping Quan Jiayun.

Hearing these voices, the faces of the students from class three who rushed over were all pale.

Especially those who sent Huang Jianbo to the school infirmary before.

One of them shouted loudly: "Do you want evidence? I have it."

After everyone looked at him, he stared at Quan Jiayun and said: "Yes, you are right, no one saw you beat Huang Jianbo to death, but this is not your excuse .”

"Because Huang Jianbo didn't die on the spot, but he was seriously injured on the spot, and he couldn't stand still after spitting blood, isn't it true?"

"When we chased Huang Jianbo out, Huang Jianbo could hardly stand up. We supported him and immediately sent him to the school doctor's office. The school doctor immediately gave him first aid, but he died without first aid. How dare you say that you didn't kill him? Quan Jiayun, do you still have a conscience?"

This boy was quite close to Huang Jianbo, so he was extraordinarily excited at this moment, staring at Quan Jiayun's eyes with a bit of grief and indignation.

As soon as these words came out, the students in class three began to fight back.

"That's right, there was only ten minutes before and after. You didn't kill him or did you die? What kind of evidence do you want with such ironclad evidence? Now Huang Jianbo's body is over there in the school doctor's office."

"Quan Jiayun, don't try to quibble. I don't believe you can't figure out how many things you have done yourself. You just wanted to kill Huang Jianbo because he caused trouble for you and challenged you. Look at your majesty, just now when someone pointed at you, you broke his finger, so what do you have to argue about?"

"You can't quibble, you killed the person, so many people can testify, don't use it as a whitewash, people from the Security Bureau will come soon, you can use this excuse to tell them , see if they recognize it or not."

(End of this chapter)

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