The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 325 Interrogation Room

Chapter 325 Interrogation Room

When the incident spread far and wide, Quan Jiayun had already been brought back to the Security Bureau.

The difference between the Security Bureau and the ordinary police station is that this is a special administrative agency dedicated to crimes committed by warriors, so the top and bottom are all people from the military department.

They are not as simple as ordinary police stations for interrogating prisoners.

When Quan Jiayun was taken back, he was immediately thrown into a small windowless room with nothing in it.

In the dimly lit room, the ceiling, floor, and four walls are all holographic images of flowing water, coupled with the simulated sound of water flowing, people are in it, as if they are in the deep sea below ten thousand feet.

Quan Jiayun watched this scene with interest.

It's so realistic.

It really feels like being in the deep sea.

Such a cold and deep environment does give people a great sense of depression, but is it just like this when dealing with warriors?
After all, not everyone has deep-sea phobia, she thought, there are not a few warriors with strong mental power.

Quan Jiayun was walking around the wall curiously, and soon, she felt that the air in the room began to become thinner, obviously the air in the room was being sucked out.

Quan Jiayun was not surprised by this.

On the contrary, there is a feeling that it is true.

Let's just say that it can't be so simple to deal with warriors!

After a while, the air in the room will be sucked clean. At this time, the people inside will experience the feeling of dying due to lack of oxygen.

Of course, people from the Security Bureau will not let people really die.

When it reaches the limit that the human body cannot bear, another wave of air is put in, and then sucked out again.

After repeating this several times, the people inside will feel that they will die in the next second every time they take a breath. This painful taste coupled with the realistic deep-sea environment, no matter how strong the spirit is, it is enough to force the brain to lose consciousness.

Quan Jiayun knew what kind of routine the security bureau was playing from the moment he felt the other party sucking the air.

Do you want to play this game with her?

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth curled up, and he found a random place and sat down cross-legged.

Then Quan Jiayun turned off the five senses of the body, and the spiritual power in the dantian began to circulate in the eight extraordinary meridians.

In this way, no matter what the outside world does, it can't affect her a bit.

On the contrary, in such a weekly cycle, her meridians and body will be nourished by spiritual energy.

Time passed minute by minute.

Inside the surveillance room outside the interrogation room.

The officers who brought Quan Jiayun back looked at the face painting in the surveillance room, one of them frowned, and asked in doubt, "Why didn't she respond at all? It's been half an hour."

Under normal circumstances, when the captured martial artist is thrown inside for half an hour, all kinds of violent reactions will start to appear, such as begging for mercy, pleading guilty and so on.

Even the martial artist who was at the peak of the second rank last time started walking around restlessly after half an hour.

But the young girl was sitting there, her face was neither red nor out of breath, her breathing was long and quiet, as if nothing happened.

The other officers were also surprised at this time, but they didn't show it too obviously.

Another said: "Wait and see, it is absolutely impossible for her to be fine, maybe she is just holding on now."

"Is it so calm to hold on to your expression?"

"Then what do you want to explain? Does it mean that she is stronger than the warrior spirit of the second-order peak? In such an environment, if you and I go in and stay for an hour, there will be a sense of collapse. It is impossible for a little girl to hold on to that Long."

"Okay, what are you arguing about, keep reading."

(End of this chapter)

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