The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 330 Entering the Security Bureau

Chapter 330 Entering the Security Bureau
The Security Bureau stands in the outer city area.

Because the origin of the so-called Security Bureau was to protect the safety of the people, the Security Bureau was not established in the inner city.

And next to the Security Bureau, next to the outer city wall is the military prison where the prisoners are held. This kind of architectural design is to use the prisoners in the prison to block people who are attacked by beasts first.

After all, all the warriors imprisoned here are not weak combat power together.

It is also because the prisoners are all warriors. This place is not like the so-called detention center in ordinary police stations. All the suspects are held in this prison before they are convicted.

It's just that there is a small area for those who have not been convicted.

Quan Jiayun was brought to this place after talking with Li Li.

Of course, before going in, she had already taken off her military academy uniform and changed into the uniform gray prison uniform here.

At this time, no one was with her, only she was sent to this military prison called a death camp by several officers.

"Boss Li, I sent someone here for you."

Not long after entering this gloomy prison, the officer leading the way rushed inside and shouted.

"Looking for death, send someone here at this time, and disturb my nap party."

Accompanied by a very rough manly voice, a tall man came out of the room.

The man was wearing a three-piece military uniform, but the clothes were not properly dressed. The coat was draped over his shoulders, and the shirt inside was unbuttoned, revealing his strong and beautiful chest muscles.

At this moment, the man had messy black hair on his head, and a pair of ferocious, wolf-like eyes came towards this side.

The leading officer passed the cigarette and helped the man light it, and said with an apologetic smile, "Boss Li, it's not our fault, the chief has just finished interrogating her now, so we can only send her here at this time."

The man called the boss looked at Quan Jiayun standing there with a cigarette in his mouth.

With deep and somewhat European-style tough features, with a careless tone, the gaze swept from Quan Jiayun's fair and beautiful face to her slender body.

"Just her?"

"Yes, murder, the evidence is complete, and now there is no need for a conviction."

The officer said and handed Quan Jiayun's file to the man.

Quan Jiayun also looked at this tall man full of male hormones and full of military rage at the first time.

Soon her eyes were bent, and this man actually had a faint third-level aura, and it seemed that a breakthrough was imminent.

However, I just don't know if I can survive it.

When Li Ge saw this little beauty, there was no special emotion in his eyes at first, but when he saw her beautiful eyes curved like crescent moons, his eyebrows that were as thick as swords raised.

It was the first time I saw him smiling so happily in prison.

Li Ge took one more look at Quan Jiayun now.

He stretched out his hand, took the file from the officer, glanced at it casually, then clamped down the cigarette in his mouth with two fingers, lightly flicked the ash with his fingertips, and exhaled a puff of smoke: "Okay, let's go, Give her to me."

Several officers left quickly.

Li Ge threw the file into the room, and looked at Quan Jiayun with a naughty smile.

"follow me."

As he spoke, he brushed his messy hair, turned around and took a step forward.

Laughing, he just wanted to see how long she could laugh in such an environment, and she wouldn't cry there before she was convicted. He saw a lot of girls like this.

(End of this chapter)

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